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EM78468 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EM78468
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内容描述: 8位微控制器 [8-BIT Microcontroller]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 71 页 / 887 K
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8-BIT Microcontroller  
4.1 Operational Registers  
R0/IAR (Indirect Addressing Register)  
(Address: 00h)  
R0 is not a physically implemented register. It is used as indirect addressing pointer. Any  
instruction using R0 as register actually accesses the data pointed by the RAM Select  
Register (R4).  
R1/TCC (Time Clock /Counter)  
(Address: 01h)  
Increases by an external signal edge applied to TCC, or by the instruction cycle clock.  
Written and read by the program as any other register.  
R2/PC (Program Counter)  
(Address: 02h)  
* The structure is depicted in Fig. 3  
* Generates 4K × 13 on-chip ROM addresses to the relative programming instruction  
* "JMP" instruction allows direct loading of the low 10 program counter bits.  
* "CALL" instruction loads the low 10 bits of the PC and PC+1, then push it into the stack.  
* "RET'' ("RETL k", "RETI") instruction loads the program counter with the contents at the  
top of stack.  
* "MOV R2, A" allows the loading of an address from the A register to the PC. The  
contents of the ninth and tenth bits do not change.  
* "ADD R2, A" allows a relative address be added to the current PC.  
* The most significant bit (A10~A11) will be loaded with the content of bits PS0~PS1 in  
the Status register (R3) upon execution of a "JMP'' or "CALL'' instruction.  
10 •  
Product Specification (V1.1) 04.11.2005  
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)  