To [DESL], [NOP]: These commands continue read operations until the burst operation is completed, and
the SDRAM then enters precharge mode.
To [ACTV]: This command makes other banks bank active. (However, an interval of tRRD is required.)
Attempting to make the currently active bank active results in an illegal command.
From WRITE state, command operation
To [DESL], [NOP]: These commands continue write operations until the burst operation is completed.
To [READ], [READ A]: These commands stop a burst and start a read cycle.
To [WRIT], [WRIT A]: These commands stop a burst and start the next write cycle.
To [ACTV]: This command makes the other bank active. (However, an interval of tRRD is required.)
Attempting to make the currently active bank active results in an illegal command.
To [PRE], [PALL]: These commands stop burst write and the SDRAM then enters precharge mode.
From WRITE with AUTO-PRECHARGE state, command operation
To [DESL], [NOP]: These commands continue write operations until the burst is completed, and the
synchronous DRAM enters precharge mode.
To [ACTV]: This command makes the other bank active. (However, an interval of tRRD is required.)
Attempting to make the currently active bank active results in an illegal command.
From REFRESH state, command operation
To [DESL], [NOP]: After an auto-refresh cycle (after tRC), the SDRAM automatically enters the IDLE state.
Data Sheet E0082H10