5.5 Adaptive Frequency Hopping
The CYW43340 gathers link quality statistics on a channel by channel basis to facilitate channel assessment and channel map
selection. The link quality is determined using both RF and baseband signal processing to provide a more accurate frequency-hop
5.6 Advanced Bluetooth/WLAN Coexistence
The CYW43340 includes advanced coexistence technologies that are only possible with a Bluetooth/WLAN integrated die solution.
These coexistence technologies are targeted at small form-factor platforms, such as cell phones and media players, including appli-
cations such as VoWLAN + SCO and Video-over-WLAN + High Fidelity BT Stereo.
Support is provided for platforms that share a single antenna between Bluetooth and WLAN. Dual-antenna applications are also
supported. The CYW43340 radio architecture allows for lossless simultaneous Bluetooth and WLAN reception for shared antenna
applications. This is possible only via an integrated solution (shared LNAand joint AGC algorithm). It has superior performance versus
implementations that need to arbitrate between Bluetooth and WLAN reception.
The CYW43340 integrated solution enables MAC-layer signaling (firmware) and a greater degree of sharing via an enhanced coexis-
tence interface. Information is exchanged between the Bluetooth and WLAN cores without host processor involvement.
The CYW43340 also supports Transmit Power Control on the STA together with standard Bluetooth TPC to limit mutual interference
and receiver desensitization. Preemption mechanisms are utilized to prevent AP transmissions from colliding with Bluetooth frames.
Improved channel classification techniques have been implemented in Bluetooth for faster and more accurate detection and elimi-
nation of interferers (including non-WLAN 2.4 GHz interference).
The Bluetooth AFH classification is also enhanced by the WLAN core’s channel information.
5.7 Fast Connection (Interlaced Page and Inquiry Scans)
The CYW43340 supports page scan and inquiry scan modes that significantly reduce the average inquiry response and connection
times. These scanning modes are compatible with the Bluetooth version 2.1 page and inquiry procedures.
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