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ACM100 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ACM100
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内容描述: 车载摄像头模块 [Automotive Camera Module]
文件页数/大小: 20 页 / 339 K
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Autobrite ®  
number of pixels in the top bin of a histogram (of  
programmable size) falls below the specified value.  
The ACM100 module includes both automatic and manual  
control of both the integration period and the dynamic range.  
The automatic control may be based on the entire contents of  
the image, or on a user specified region of interest. The  
following sections describe the control in more detail.  
In addition to setting the target values, the user may limit the  
maximum gamma setting available to the algorithm. This may  
be useful to applications that respond poorly to extremely high  
gamma values.  
Region of Interest  
Transition Control  
The camera includes a region of interest feature that can be  
used to influence the automatic control of the dynamic range  
and the integration period. The user designates a region of  
interest (of programmable size and position) within the full  
frame. The camera automatically optimizes the exposure and  
dynamic range for this region (alternatively, the region can be  
ignored for exposure and dynamic range setting). The region  
is defined by specifying the upper left and lower right corners  
of a rectangle using pixel row and column numbers.  
The camera includes features that allow the user to influence  
the response of the camera to dynamic lighting conditions.  
Human vision applications may desire a slow, smooth  
response to changes in lighting for aesthetic reasons. Machine  
vision application, not being influenced by aesthetic concerns,  
may desire a faster response. The camera includes features  
to allow the user to adjust the dynamic response of the camera  
to suit the application.  
Image Processing Fetaures  
Tint Control  
The camera includes a number of features that improve or  
remove artifacts from the image. These features are described  
in the following sections.  
The camera provides for both automatic and manual control of  
the integration period (exposure time). This can be specified  
independently of the gamma control – that is either can be  
fixed or set automatically. The Tint control algorithm attempts  
to set the camera to an integration period that places the  
average pixel value at a default or user specified level.  
Dark Current Removal  
The camera automatically senses the dark current using  
inactive, or dark, columns in the sensor. The current is  
measured for each row and subtracted from the image. This  
feature may be disabled by the user.  
In addition to setting the desired image average, the user may  
bound the integration period that is available to the automatic  
control. This can prevent the integration from exceeding  
motion blur limits in dark environments.  
Column Fixed Pattern Noise Correction  
During the vertical retrace period of scanning the imager, a  
fixed voltage is applied to all of the columns of the imager. This  
voltage is sampled by the ADC and used to calculate offset  
errors on a column basis. These errors are then removed from  
the next frame. This feature may be disabled by the user.  
Gamma Control  
The camera provides for both automatic and manual control of  
the dynamic range by selecting one of 29 response, or  
gamma, curves. This can be specified independently of the  
Tint control – that is either can be fixed or set automatically.  
Defective Pixel Correction  
Autobrite tracks two parameters to control the selection of a  
gamma code: the number of saturated pixels (those at the  
maximum digital value) and the number of pixels in the top  
histogram bin of the image. These parameters are tracked on  
a per image basis using binary counters.  
The camera includes a feature to compensate for defective  
pixels. A 3x3 non-linear filter is used to screen out defective  
pixels. The center pixel is compared against the average of its  
neighbors and if it is too high or low, the average is substituted  
for the defective pixel. This feature may be disabled by the  
The algorithm can be tuned by setting the number of bits active  
in each counter. The logic responds to the overflow of the  
counter. Therefore the maximum number of saturated pixels  
and minimum number of top bin pixels desired are both set as  
a power of two.  
Sharpening Filter  
The camera includes a 3X3 sharpening filter. The user may  
disable or specify the strength of the filter.  
The algorithm works by increasing the dynamic range when  
the number of saturated pixels (max gray level) exceeds the  
saturation setting. The dynamic range is reduced when the  
Detailed Specifications  
The following sections outline some of the detailed  
specifications of the module.  
Document Number: 001-05325 Rev. **  
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