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CX28395-19 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CX28395-19
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 四核/ X16 /八路T1 / E1 / J1成帧器 [Quad/x16/Octal?T1/E1/J1 Framers]
分类和应用: 电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 305 页 / 1863 K
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2.0 Circuit Description  
2.2 Receiver  
Quad/x16/OctalT1/E1/J1 Framers  
The offline framer waits until the current search is complete (see [FSTAT;  
addr 017]) before checking for pending LOF reframe requests. If both online  
framers have pending reframe requests, the offline framer aligns to the direction  
opposite from that which was most recently searched. For example, if TLOF is  
pending at the conclusion of a receive search which timed out without finding  
alignment, the offline framer switches to search in the transmit direction. The  
TLOF switchover is prevented in the preceding example if the processor asserts  
TABORT to mask the transmit reframe request. TABORT does not affect TLOF  
status reporting. For applications that frame in only one direction, the opposite  
direction should be masked. If, at the conclusion of a receive search, TLOF status  
is asserted but masked by TABORT, the offline framer continues to search in the  
receive direction. For applications that frame in both directions, the processor can  
allow the offline framer to automatically arbitrate among pending reframe  
requests, or may elect to manually control reframe precedence. An example of  
manual control follows:  
Initialize RABORT = 1 and TABORT = 1  
Enable RLOF and TLOF interrupts  
Read clear pending ISR interrupts  
Release RABORT = 0  
Call LOF Service Routine if either RLOF or TLOF interrupt;  
(check current LOF status [ALM1, 2; addr 047, 048]  
If RLOF recovered and TLOF lost  
Assert RABORT = 1  
—Release TABORT = 0  
If RLOF lost or TLOF recovered  
Assert TABORT = 1  
—Release RABORT = 0  
The status of the offline framer can be monitored for diagnostic purposes  
using the Offline Framer Status register [FSTAT; addr 017]. The register reports  
the following: whether the offline framer is looking at the receive or transmit data  
streams (RX/TXN); whether the framer is actively searching for a frame  
alignment (ACTIVE); whether the framer found multiple framing candidates  
(TIMEOUT); whether the framer found frame sync (FOUND); and whether the  
framer found no frame alignment candidates (INVALID). Note that these status  
bits are updated in real time and might be active for only very short (1-bit) periods  
of time. Table 2-1 lists the receive framer modes.  