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CX28395-19 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CX28395-19
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内容描述: 四核/ X16 /八路T1 / E1 / J1成帧器 [Quad/x16/Octal?T1/E1/J1 Framers]
分类和应用: 电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 305 页 / 1863 K
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2.0 Circuit Description  
Quad/x16/OctalT1/E1/J1 Framers  
2.2 Receiver Multiframe YEL  
The criteria for Multiframe Yellow Alarm is described in Table 3-13, Receive  
Yellow Alarm Set/Clear Criteria. The MYEL real-time status is available in  
ALM1, and the interrupt is available in ISR7. Severely Errored  
A SEF is reported when the receive signal does not meet the requirements of  
ANSI T1.231. SEF real-time status is available in ALM3. A 2-bit counter is also  
available [SEF; addr 05A]. An interrupt is available in ISR4 to indicate that the  
SEF counter overflowed. Change of  
Each COFA increments a 2-bit counter [COFA; addr 05A]. An interrupt is  
available in ISR4 to indicate that the COFA counter overflowed.  
Alignment Receive  
Multiframe AIS  
Receive Multiframe AIS (RMAIS) is reported when the receive TS16 signal  
contains three or fewer zeros out of 128 bits in each multiframe over two  
consecutive multiframes, according to the requirements of ITU–T  
Recommendation G.775. RMAIS is only checked in E1 CAS mode. RMAIS  
real-time status is available in ALM3 [addr 049].  
2.2.6 Test Pattern Receiver  
The test pattern receiver circuitry can sync on framed or unframed PRBS patterns  
and count bit errors. This feature is particularly useful for system diagnostics,  
production testing, and test equipment applications. The PRBS patterns available  
include 2E11-1, 2E15-1, 2E20-1, and 2E23-1. Each pattern can optionally include  
Zero Code Suppression (ZCS).  
The Receive Test Pattern Configuration register [RPATT; addr 041] controls  
the test pattern receiver circuit. The BSTART control bit (in RPATT) must be  
active to enable the test pattern receiver and to begin counting bit errors. RPATT  
controls the PRBS pattern, ZCS setting (ZLIMIT), and T1/E1 framing  
(FRAMED). RPATT selects which PRBS pattern the receiver should hunt for  
pattern sync. ZLIMIT selects the maximum number of consecutive zeros the  
pattern is allowed to contain. FRAMED mode informs the PRBS pattern receiver  
not to search for the pattern in the frame bit in T1 mode or search for the pattern  
in time slot 0 (and time slot 16 if CAS framing is selected) in E1 mode. CAS  
framing is selected by setting RFRAME[3] to 1 in the Primary Control register  
[CR0; addr 001]. If FRAMED is disabled, the PRBS pattern receiver searches all  
time slots for the test pattern.  
The RESEED bit in RPATT informs the receive PRBS sync circuit to begin a  
PRBS pattern search. Once the search begins, any additional writes to RESEED  
restarts the pattern sync search at a different point in the pattern. The time to sync  
depends on the pattern and number of bit errors in the pattern.  
Pattern sync is reported (when found) in PSYNC status of the Pattern  
Interrupt Status register [ISR0; addr 00B]. Next, the PRBS Pattern Error counter  
[BERR; addr 058 and 059] counts bit errors detected on the incoming pattern,  
provided that BSTART remains active. Error counting stops if the BSTART bit is  
cleared. The BERR counter is reset to zero after every read, or latched on every  
ONESEC interrupt as selected by LATCH_CNT [addr 046]. An interrupt is  
available to indicate the BERR counter overflowed in ISR4.  