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CN8223 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CN8223
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内容描述: ATM发射器/接收器与UTOPIA接口 [ATM Transmitter/Receiver with UTOPIA Interface]
分类和应用: 异步传输模式ATM
文件页数/大小: 161 页 / 1722 K
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2.0 Functional Description  
ATM Transmitter/Receiver with UTOPIA Interface  
2.6 ATM Cell Processing  
2.6.4 PLCP Cell Validation for Receive  
In 57-octet PLCP formats, the PHY receiver implements framing state machines  
for cell alignment as described in TR-TSV-000773. In 53-octet formats, the PHY  
receiver implements the HEC alignment state machine as described in ITU I.432.  
In serial framed 57-octet mode, the PHY receiver processes a serial stream to  
find PLCP framing. Octet synchronization is provided externally in DS1 and E1  
modes. Internal or external E3 octet synchronization and DS3 nibble  
synchronization are provided to the PHY framer. Physical layer framing patterns  
are automatically removed before recovery of the octet data. If unframed mode is  
enabled, the receiver will search each bit position to determine octet alignment.  
The 57-octet PLCP framing state machine contains three states: in-frame,  
out-of-frame, and loss-of-frame. Valid framing is found when two consecutive  
valid path overhead octets in sequence are observed after the A1, A2 framing  
octets. The out-of-frame state is entered only from the in-frame state, when there  
are errors in both the A1 and A2 octets or when there are two consecutive Pn  
errors. This event is an OOF event, and is counted. The LOF state is entered after  
eight consecutive PLCP frames in the out-of-frame state.  
Stuffing and destuffing are provided according to the PHY type setting in  
57-octet formats. Cycle stuffing is used at the transmit PLCP for DS3 and E3  
whenever the receive PLCP is in the LOF state or the RCV_HLD input is high,  
and this function is enabled with Receiver Hold Enable [bit 10] of CONFIG_1  
[0x00]. Cycle stuffing can also be forced by setting Force Cycle Stuffing [bit 6]  
of CONFIG_3 [0x02] high.  
NOTE: When the framing mode is dynamically modified between direct mapping  
and PLCP framing, the CN8223 will go into an OOF state. Dynamic  
switching should only be used if necessary. PLCP Status  
Errors in either the A1 or A2 PLCP framing octets cause an indication in the  
LINE_STATUS register PLCP Frame Error bit and are counted. PLCP OOF  
events are indicated by the PLCP OOF bit and counted. PLCP LOF events (OOF  
for eight consecutive PLCP frames) are indicated by the PLCP LOF bit. If an  
LOF condition persists for more than 23 seconds, the PLCP LOF 23 status bit  
is set. This is determined by LOF being set for three consecutive rising edges of  
the ONESECI input. Loss of cell delineation in 53-octet modes is indicated by the  
LOC bit and counted. PLCP OOF and LOC indications also appear on the LOCD  
output pin.  
The PLCP Yellow Alarm status bit is set high after 10 consecutive frames with  
a PLCP yellow alarm value of one and cleared after 10 consecutive frames of a  
value of zero.  
Errors detected in the receiver BIP-8 code checking circuit cause BIP-8 Error  
to be set and counted. FEBE Error is set if any valid non-zero FEBE value (values  
of 1 through 8) is received. This condition is also counted in the REM_BIP  
counter. Invalid FEBE is set if any invalid FEBE value (9 through F) is received; a  
value of F also causes FEBE All 1s to be set. This value is used to indicate that  
the FEBE calculation is not supported at the far end of the circuit.  