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CN8223 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CN8223
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内容描述: ATM发射器/接收器与UTOPIA接口 [ATM Transmitter/Receiver with UTOPIA Interface]
分类和应用: 异步传输模式ATM
文件页数/大小: 161 页 / 1722 K
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2.0 Functional Description  
2.6 ATM Cell Processing  
ATM Transmitter/Receiver with UTOPIA Interface  
Segment Type  
BOM or COM  
Payload Length  
444 mod 4  
844 mod 4  
Errors are counted in the PAY_LEN_ERR counter [0x4C] and indicated in  
EVENT_STATUS. No payload length checking is performed on cells  
matching the idle header description.  
All errors disabled by the global disables in CELL_VAL are counted, and the  
first enabled error in the above sequence of checks is counted in the appropriate  
cell error counter. Disabled errors will not cause the cell to be marked as invalid.  
Header octets are compared to the HDR_VAL registers under control of the  
HDR_MSK bits. This determines routing to the proper output port. If no match is  
made to any of the VCI/VPI fields for the four ports or to the idle definition, the  
cell is counted in the NON_MATCH_CNT counter [0x57]. Payload CRC-10 and  
length checks can also be disabled on a per port basis by using the control bits in  
CONFIG_4. These bits simply disable the error from marking the cell as invalid  
and do not affect the counting of errors in any way. This feature can be used to  
route AAL 3/4 cells to one port with checks enabled and AAL5 cells to a different  
port with checks disabled.  
HEC Coverage [bit 1] in CONFIG_3 determines the calculation range for the  
HEC. If this bit is low, the HEC is calculated over header octets 14 for ATM  
cells. If this bit is high, the HEC is calculated over header octets 24 for  
SMDS/802.6 cells.  
Validation checks can be individually disabled with the remaining control bits  
in the CELL_VAL register [0x14]. Disable HEC Check [bit 9] disables the check  
of the header error control octet. Disable Payload Length Check [bit 10] disables  
the check for consistency between the segment type field and the length field.  
Disable Payload CRC Check [bit 11] disables the check of the payload CRC. The  
above disables are global disables for all ports and override the per-port control in  
CONFIG_4, which also contains per port disables for payload length and payload  
CRC checks. Interrupts and  
Status Counters for Cell  
Cell error events are indicated with bits 06 of the EVENT_STATUS register  
[0x39] and can cause an interrupt if enabled with the corresponding bit in the  
EN_EVENT_INT register [0x2E]. Status bits are latched at the event occurrence  
and are cleared when EVENT_STATUS is read. The error events are also  
counted, and interrupts on error counter overflows can be enabled in  
EN_OVFL_INT [0x2F]. Counter overflow status is provided in OVFL_STATUS  
[0x3A], and the status bits are cleared when the status register is read. These  
counters are not latched, and each counter is cleared individually when it is read.  
CELL_RCV_CNTx [0x520x55] provides a count of all cells that are  
accepted for processing and delivery to Port x. This count is based on a header  
match with the header value and mask bits that are set in the associated registers  
for Port x. This count does not include cells discarded due to an error in the HEC.  
IDLE_CELL_CNT [0x56] is a count of valid cells received that match the  
programmed idle value and mask. NON_MATCH_CNT [0x57] is a count of  
active cells that did not match any of the programmed VCI/VPI values (port or  