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CN8223 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CN8223
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内容描述: ATM发射器/接收器与UTOPIA接口 [ATM Transmitter/Receiver with UTOPIA Interface]
分类和应用: 异步传输模式ATM
文件页数/大小: 161 页 / 1722 K
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2.0 Functional Description  
ATM Transmitter/Receiver with UTOPIA Interface  
2.6 ATM Cell Processing  
Counter overflow interrupts can be individually enabled. If a counter is set to  
interrupt, it rolls over to zero, sets the interrupt, and continues counting errors  
after it reaches its maximum value. If a counter is not set to interrupt, it saturates  
and holds when it reaches its maximum value (0xfff). The interrupt enable bits for  
the counters are found in the EN_CELL_INT register [0x30], with the  
corresponding interrupt status in the CELL_STATUS register [0x38]. If one of  
the cell counter overflow interrupts occurs, the CELL_STATUS register can be  
read to determine which counter or counters overflowed. These interrupts are  
cleared when CELL_STATUS is read.  
Some interrupts in the CELL_STATUS register are related to the  
transmission/reception of individual cells. These interrupts may be enabled in  
EN_CELL_INT with corresponding status bits in CELL_STATUS. Cell  
RcvdPort x indicates the validation process has received a complete ATM cell  
destined for Port x. Cell SentPort x indicates a cell has been transmitted from  
source x. These interrupts are cleared when CELL_STATUS is read.  
2.6.3 PLCP Cell Generation for Transmit  
In 57-octet PLCP formats, the PLCP overhead generation consists of the framing  
octets A1 and A2, the Path Overhead Identifier (POI) octets, and the path  
overhead octets. All of these are generated by the PHY transmit circuitry, but can  
be selectively disabled if desired.  
The A1 and A2 octets are generated according to TR-TSV-000773. The POI  
octets are determined by the particular PLCP that is selected, but in each case they  
consist of a slot count and a parity bit. The DS3 PLCP has 12 slots per frame, the  
DS1 and E1 PLCP have 10, and the E3 PLCP has 9. In each case, the POI octets  
provide a backwards count of the PLCP slots in the frame, along with a parity bit.  
Generation of the A1, A2, and POI octets can be disabled via the Overhead  
Control [bits 30] of CONFIG_2 [0x01]. All path overhead growth octets Zn and  
the path user channel F1 are forced to zero.  
The B1 octet is populated with a BIP-8 code that is calculated over each PLCP  
frame. The BIP Error Insert [bits 1210] of CONFIG_2 control insertion of BIP-8  
errors in the generated PLCP. If errors are to be inserted, a non-zero value written  
to the TXFEAC_ERRPAT register inverts the corresponding bits of the B1 octet  
from that calculated by the BIP-8 circuit in the following PLCP frame. Insert  
control bits are cleared after each frame when the errors are inserted. The register  
can be read to determine if this has occurred, so that the microprocessor can insert  
BIP-8 errors as desired in each PLCP frame.  