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BT8375EPF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: BT8375EPF
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内容描述: 单芯片收发器T1 / E1和综合业务数字网( ISDN )基本速率接口 [single chip transceivers for T1/E1 and Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) primary rate interfaces]
分类和应用: 电信集成电路综合业务数字网
文件页数/大小: 323 页 / 1950 K
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2.0 Circuit Description  
2.8 Transmitter  
Fully Integrated T1/E1 Framer and Line Interface  
The insertion of E1 Multiframe Yellow Alarm is controlled by INS_MYEL.  
E1 Multiframe Yellow Alarm is inserted only when INS_MYEL is set.  
Multiframe Yellow Alarm generation can be initiated manually or automatically.  
Manual insertion of Multiframe Yellow Alarm is controlled by TMYEL.  
Setting this bit unconditionally overwrites the Multiframe Yellow Alarm signal  
bit in the transmitted data stream.  
Automatic insertion of Multiframe Yellow Alarm is controlled by  
AUTO_MYEL in the TALM register. When set, the AUTO_MYEL mode sends a  
yellow alarm for the duration of a Receive Loss of CAS Multiframe Alignment  
[SRED; addr 049]. CRC Generation  
The CRC generation circuitry computes the value of the CRC-6 code in T1 mode  
or the CRC-4 code in E1 mode. Once computed, it is inserted into the appropriate  
position of the transmitted data stream. CRC overwrite is enabled by the  
INS_CRC bit in Transmit Frame Format [TFRM; addr 072].  
If the transmit frame format is configured as ESF, and the INS_CRC bit is  
active, the 2 kbps CRC sequence is inserted. (The position of the CRC-6 bits is  
shown in Table A-4, Extended Superframe Format).  
If the transmit frame format is configured as E1 and the INS_CRC bit is  
active, the 4 kbps CRC sequence is inserted. (The position of the CRC-4 bits is  
shown in Table A-6, ITU–T CEPT Frame Format Time Slot 0-Bit Allocations.) Far-End Block  
Error Generation  
The Far-End Block Error (FEBE) generation circuitry inserts FEBE bits  
automatically or manually. Automatic FEBE generation is enabled by the INS_FE  
bit in TFRM. If the transmit frame format is configured as E1 and the INS_FE bit  
is active, a FEBE is generated in response to an incoming CRC-4 error by setting  
an E-bit of TS0 to 0. (Refer to Table A-7, IRSM CEPT Frame Format Time Slot  
0-Bit Allocations for the location of the E-bits within the E1 frame.)  
Manual FEBE generation is enabled by the TFEBE bit of the Transmit Manual  
Sa-Byte/FEBE Configuration register [TMAN; addr 074]. If the transmit frame  
format is configured as E1 and the TFEBE bit is active, the FEBE bits are  
supplied by the processor in FEBE_I and FEBE_II bits [addr 074].  
2.8.5 Test Pattern Generator  
The transmit test pattern generation circuitry overwrites the transmit data with  
various test patterns and permits logical and frame-bit error insertion. This feature  
is particularly useful for system diagnostics, production testing, and test  
equipment applications. The test pattern can be a framed or unframed PRBS  
pattern. The PRBS patterns available include 2E11-1, 2E15-1, 2E20-1, and  
2E23-1. Each pattern can optionally include Zero Code Suppression (ZCS). Error  
insertion includes LCV, BPV, Ft, CRC4, CRC6, COFA, PRBS, Fs, MFAS, and  
The Transmit Test Pattern Configuration register [TPATT; addr 076] controls  
the test pattern insertion circuit. TPATT controls the PRBS pattern (TPATT[1:0])  
bits), ZCS setting (ZLIMIT bit), T1/E1 framing (FRAMED bit), and Starting and  
Stopping transmission (TPSTART bit).  