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CPC7592BBTR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CPC7592BBTR
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内容描述: 线卡接入交换机 [Line Card Access Switch]
分类和应用: 电信集成电路光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 20 页 / 589 K
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conducted through the diode bridge to ground via  
temperature rises sufficiently, the temperature  
shutdown mechanism will activate and the device will  
enter the all-off state.  
. Voltage is clamped to a diode drop above  
ground. During a negative transient of 2 to 4 V more  
negative than the voltage source at V , the SCR  
2.10 Thermal Shutdown  
conducts and faults are shunted to F  
or the diode bridge.  
via the SCR  
The thermal shutdown mechanism activates when the  
device die temperature reaches a minimum of 110° C,  
placing the device in the all-off state regardless of  
In order for the SCR to crowbar (or foldback), the  
SCR’s on-voltage (see “Protection Circuitry Electrical  
Specifications” on page 9) must be less than the  
logic input. During thermal shutdown events the T  
pin will output a logic low with a nominal 0 V level. A  
logic high is output from the T pin during normal  
applied voltage at the V  
pin. If the V  
voltage is  
operation with a typical output level equal to V  
less negative than the SCR on-voltage or if the V  
supply is unable to source the trigger current, the SCR  
will not crowbar.  
If presented with a short duration transient such as a  
lightning event, the thermal shutdown feature will  
typically not activate. But in an extended power-cross  
event, the device temperature will rise and the thermal  
shutdown mechanism will activate forcing the switches  
to the all-off state. At this point the current measured  
For power induction or power-cross fault conditions,  
the positive cycle of the transient is clamped to a diode  
drop above ground and the fault current directed to  
ground. The negative cycle of the transient will cause  
the SCR to conduct when the voltage exceeds the  
into T  
or R  
will drop to zero. Once the device  
enters thermal shutdown it will remain in the all-off  
state until the temperature of the device drops below  
the de-activation level of the thermal shutdown circuit.  
This permits the device to autonomously return to  
normal operation. If the transient has not passed,  
current will again flow up to the value allowed by the  
dynamic DC current limiting of the switches and  
heating will resume, reactivating the thermal shutdown  
mechanism. This cycle of entering and exiting the  
thermal shutdown mode will continue as long as the  
fault condition persists. If the magnitude of the fault  
condition is great enough, the external secondary  
protector will activate shunting the fault current to  
reference voltage by two to four volts, steering  
the fault current to ground.  
Note: The CPC7592xB does not contain the  
protection SCR but instead uses diodes to clamp both  
polarities of a transient fault. These diodes direct the  
negative potential’s fault current to the V  
2.9.2 Current Limiting function  
If a lightning strike transient occurs when the device is  
in the talk state, the current is passed along the line to  
the integrated protection circuitry and restricted by the  
dynamic current limit response of the active switches.  
During the talk state, when a 1000V 10x1000 μs  
lightning pulse (GR-1089-CORE) is applied to the line  
though a properly clamped external protector, the  
current seen at T  
typical magnitude of 2.5 A and a duration less than  
0.5 μs.  
2.11 External Protection Elements  
The CPC7592 requires only over voltage secondary  
protection on the loop side of the device. The  
integrated protection feature described above negates  
the need for additional external protection on the SLIC  
side. The secondary protector must limit voltage  
transients to levels that do not exceed the breakdown  
voltage or input-output isolation barrier of the  
CPC7592. A foldback or crowbar type protector is  
recommended to minimize stresses on the CPC7592.  
and R  
will be a pulse with a  
If a power-cross fault occurs with the device in the talk  
state, the current is passed though break switches  
SW1 and SW2 on to the integrated protection circuit  
but is limited by the dynamic DC current limit response  
of the two break switches. The DC current limit  
specified over temperature is between 80 mA and  
425 mA and the circuitry has a negative temperature  
coefficient. As a result, if the device is subjected to  
extended heating due to a power cross fault condition,  
Consult Clare’s application note, AN-100, “Designing  
Surge and Power Fault Protection Circuits for Solid  
State Subscriber Line Interfaces” for equations related  
to the specifications of external secondary protectors,  
fused resistors and PTCs.  
the measured current at T  
and R  
will decrease  
as the device temperature increases. If the device  