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CPC5712UTR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CPC5712UTR
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内容描述: 电话线监控器与检测器( PLMD ) [Phone Line Monitor with Detectors (PLMD)]
分类和应用: 监控电话
文件页数/大小: 11 页 / 383 K
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3.1 Line Interface  
3.3 Voltage Detector Design  
Between the CPC5712 and the TIP/RING line is a  
high impedance resistive divider network that provides  
sufficient impedance to meet the barrier insulation  
specifications in safety regulations and comply with  
the on-hook DC leakage to ground requirements from  
the various network compatibility specifications.  
From the application requirements given above, the  
desired LIU detector threshold voltages are therefore:  
VH2 = 15V  
VL2 = 12V  
and the detector thresholds for the LOOP detector are:  
To ensure regulatory compliance, a 20MΩ or greater  
resistance is required from the individual TIP and  
RING leads to the IN+ and IN- inputs. For most  
applications where the tip and ring interface does not  
have a ground referenced surge protector, Clare  
recommends using two 1206-size 10MΩ resistors in  
series to provide the minimum impedance and to meet  
surge requirements. Resistors having a smaller  
physical footprint may be used when ground  
VH1 = 5V  
VL1 = 3V  
3.3.1 Calculate Resistor Values  
From the design equations provided in  
Section 2.5 “Detector Threshold Operation” on  
page 6 this gives:  
referenced surge protection is available.  
R2=0.666667 R1  
R3=2.333333 R1  
R5=5.125558 R1  
Summing these equations provides the following  
In practice, each 1206-size resistor is capable of  
withstanding the 2000V peak waveforms typical of  
lightning surges on the phone line. Hence, two 1206  
resistors can withstand 4000V lightning pulses.  
R1+R2+R3+R4+R5 = 10.12556 R1  
and since this sum is bound by:  
3.2 Differential Input Resistor  
The differential input resistor placed across the IN+  
and IN- inputs provides two functions.  
20kΩ < (R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + R5) < 1MΩ  
this reduces to: 20kΩ < (10.12556 R1) < 1MΩ.  
From the application perspective, this component  
provides a scaled down representation of the tip and  
ring line voltage to the CPC5712 inputs. The voltage  
applied to the inputs is easily calculated because it is  
derived from a simple resistive divider comprising the  
tip and ring input resistors and the differential input  
Taking into account the additional constraint of resistor  
tolerance, 1% in this example, the range of allowable  
values for R1 is further reduced and becomes:  
1.995kΩ < R1 < 97.782kΩ permitting a value  
for R1 to be chosen.  
Selecting a standard value from the E96, 1% table for  
R1 of 26.7kΩ, the calculated values for the remaining  
resistors becomes:  
For improved performance, the CPC5712 signal path  
is trimmed at the factory to reduce comparator  
detection errors caused by offset currents and  
voltages. The CPC5712’s input offset effects are  
reduced by trimming the device with an 806kΩ input  
resistor. Using any other value resistor at the inputs  
negates the trim and introduces offset errors.  
Since the calculated values of R3 and R5 are not  
standard values, a reasonable compromise for these  
resistors is: R3=61.9kΩ and R5=137kΩ. See  
Figure 2.  