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CS5101A-JL16 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS5101A-JL16
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内容描述: 16位, 100kHz的/ 20kHz的A / D转换器 [16-Bit, 100kHz/ 20kHz A/D Converters]
分类和应用: 转换器
文件页数/大小: 40 页 / 461 K
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CS5101A CS5102A  
captured and processed. The FFT algorithm ana-  
lyzes the spectral content of the digital waveform  
and distributes its energy among 512 "frequency  
bins." Assuming an ideal sinewave, distribution  
of energy in bins outside of the fundamental and  
dc can only be due to quantization effects and  
errors in the CS5101A and CS5102A.  
0.001% THD at 25°C. Figure 18 illustrates only  
minor degradation in performance when the am-  
bient temperature is raised to 138°C. Figure 19  
and 20 illustrate that the CS5102A typically  
yields >92 dB S/(N+D) and 0.001% THD even  
with a large change in ambient temperature. Un-  
like conventional successive-approximation  
ADC’s, the signal-to-noise and dynamic range of  
the CS5101A and CS5102A are not limited by  
differential nonlinearities (DNL) caused by cali-  
bration errors. Rather, the dominant noise source  
is broadband thermal noise which aliases into the  
baseband. This white broadband noise also ap-  
pears as an idle channel noise of 1/2 LSB (rms).  
If sampling is not synchronized to the input sine-  
wave, it is highly unlikely that the time record  
will contain an integer number of periods of the  
input signal. However, the FFT assumes that the  
signal is periodic, and will calculate the spectrum  
of a signal that appears to have large discontinui-  
ties, thereby yielding a severely distorted  
spectrum. To avoid this problem, the time record  
is multiplied by a window function prior to per-  
forming the FFT. The window function smoothly  
forces the endpoints of the time record to zero,  
thereby removing the discontinuities. The effect  
of the window in the frequency-domain is to con-  
volute the spectrum of the window with that of  
the actual input.  
Sampling Distortion  
Like most discrete sample/hold amplifier designs,  
the inherent sample/hold of the CS5101A and  
CS5102A exhibits a frequency-dependent distor-  
tion due to nonideal sampling of the analog input  
voltage. The calibrated capacitor array used dur-  
ing conversions is also used to track and hold the  
analog input signal. The conversion is not per-  
formed on the analog input voltage per se, but is  
actually performed on the charge trapped on the  
capacitor array at the moment the HOLD com-  
mand is given. The charge on the array ideally  
assumes a linear relationship to the analog input  
voltage. Any deviation from this linear relation-  
ship will result in conversion errors even if the  
conversion process proceeds flawlessly.  
The quality of the window used for harmonic  
analysis is typically judged by its highest side-  
lobe level. A five term window is used in FFT  
testing of the CS5101A and CS5102A. This win-  
dowing algorithm attenuates the side-lobes to  
below the noise floor. Artifacts of windowing are  
discarded from the signal-to-noise calculation us-  
ing the assumption that quantization noise is  
white. Averaging the FFT results from ten time  
records filters the spectral variability that can  
arise from capturing finite time records without  
disturbing the total energy outside the fundamen-  
tal. All harmonics are visible in the plots. For  
more information on FFT’s and windowing refer  
to: F.J. HARRIS, "On the use of windows for  
harmonic analysis with the Discrete Fourier  
Transform", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 66, No. 1, Jan  
1978, pp.51-83. This is available on request from  
Crystal Semiconductor.  
At dc, the DAC capacitor array’s voltage coeffi-  
cient dictates the converter’s linearity. This  
variation in capacitance with respect to applied  
signal voltage yields a nonlinear relationship be-  
tween the charge on the array and the analog  
input voltage and places a bow or wave in the  
transfer function. This is the dominant source of  
distortion at low input frequencies (Fig-  
ures 17,18,19, and 20).  
The ideal relationship between the charge on the  
array and the input voltage can also be distorted  
As illustrated in Figure 17, the CS5101A typi-  
cally provides about 92 dB S/(N+D) and  