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CS5014-BL28 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS5014-BL28
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内容描述: 16 , 14和12位,自校准的A / D转换器 [16, 14 & 12-Bit, Self-Calibrating A/D Converters]
分类和应用: 转换器
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 401 K
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CS5012A, CS5014, CS5016  
Power Supply Rejection  
The CS5012A/14/16’s power supply rejection  
performance is enhanced by the on-chip self-cali-  
bration and an "auto-zero" process. Drifts in  
power supply voltages at frequencies less than the  
calibration rate have negligible effect on the  
CS5012A/14/16’s accuracy. This is because the  
CS5012A/14/16 adjust their offset to within a  
small fraction of an LSB during calibration.  
Above the calibration frequency the excellent  
power supply rejection of the internal amplifiers  
is augmented by an auto-zero process. Any  
offsets are stored on the capacitor array and are  
effectively subtracted once conversion is initiated.  
Figure 13 shows power supply rejection of the  
CS5012A/14/16 in the bipolar mode with the  
analog input grounded and a 300 mVp-p ripple  
applied to each supply. Power supply rejection  
improves by 6 dB in the unipolar mode.  
Differential Nonlinearity  
One source of nonlinearity in A/D converters is  
bit weight errors. These errors arise from the de-  
viation of bits from their ideal binary-weighted  
ratios, and lead to nonideal widths for each code.  
If DNL errors are large, and code widths shrink  
to zero, it is possible for one or more codes to be  
entirely missing. The CS5012A/14/16 calibrate  
all bits in the capacitor array to a small fraction  
of an LSB resulting in nearly ideal DNL. Histo-  
gram plots of typical DNL of the CS5012A/14/16  
can be seen in Figures 14, 16, 17. Figure 15 il-  
lustrates the DNL of the CS5012 for comparison  
with the CS5012A (Figure 14).  
A histogram test is a statistical method of deriv-  
ing an A/D converter’s differential nonlinearity. A  
ramp is input to the A/D and a large number of  
samples are taken to insure a high confidence  
level in the test’s result. The number of occur-  
rences for each code is monitored and stored. A  
perfect A/D converter would have all codes of  
equal size and therefore equal numbers of occur-  
rences. In the histogram test a code with the  
average number of occurrences will be consid-  
ered ideal (DNL = 0). A code with more or less  
occurrences than average will appear as a DNL  
of greater or less than zero LSB. A missing code  
has zero occurrences, and will appear as a DNL  
of -1 LSB.  
The plot in Figure 13 shows worst-case rejection  
for all combinations of conversion rates and input  
conditions in the bipolar mode.  
Integral Nonlinearity  
Integral Nonlinearity (INL; also termed Relative  
Accuracy or just Nonlinearity) is defined as the  
deviation of the transfer function from an ideal  
straight line. Bows in the transfer curve generate  
harmonic distortion. The worst-case condition of  
bit-weight errors (DNL) has traditionally also de-  
fined the point of maximum INL.  
1 kHz  
10 kHz  
100 kHz  
1 MHz  
Power Supply Ripple Frequency  
Bit-weight errors have a drastic effect on a con-  
verter’s ac performance. They can be analyzed as  
step functions superimposed on the input signal.  
Figure 13. Power Supply Rejection  