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CS42438-CMZ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS42438-CMZ
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 108分贝192千赫6英寸,8出TDM CODEC [108 dB, 192 kHz 6-in, 8-out TDM CODEC]
分类和应用: 消费电路商用集成电路
文件页数/大小: 64 页 / 1066 K
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Control Port Description and Timing  
The control port is used to access the registers, in software mode, allowing the CS42438 to be configured  
for the desired operational modes and formats. The operation of the control port may be completely asyn-  
chronous with respect to the audio sample rates. However, to avoid potential interference problems, the  
control port pins should remain static if no operation is required.  
The control port has 2 modes: SPI and I²C, with the CS42438 acting as a slave device. SPI mode is se-  
lected if there is a high to low transition on the AD0/CS pin, after the RST pin has been brought high. I²C  
mode is selected by connecting the AD0/CS pin through a resistor to VLC or DGND, thereby permanently  
selecting the desired AD0 bit address state.  
5.7.1 SPI Mode  
In SPI mode, CS is the CS42438 chip select signal, CCLK is the control port bit clock (input into  
the CS42438 from the microcontroller), CDIN is the input data line from the microcontroller, CD-  
OUT is the output data line to the microcontroller. Data is clocked in on the rising edge of CCLK  
and out on the falling edge.  
Figure 17 shows the operation of the control port in SPI mode. To write to a register, bring CS  
low. The first seven bits on CDIN form the chip address and must be 1001111. The eighth bit is  
a read/write indicator (R/W), which should be low to write. The next eight bits form the Memory  
Address Pointer (MAP), which is set to the address of the register that is to be updated. The next  
eight bits are the data which will be placed into the register designated by the MAP. During  
writes, the CDOUT output stays in the Hi-Z state. It may be externally pulled high or low with a  
47 kresistor, if desired.  
There is a MAP auto increment capability, enabled by the INCR bit in the MAP register. If INCR  
is a zero, the MAP will stay constant for successive read or writes. If INCR is set to a 1, the MAP  
will autoincrement after each byte is read or written, allowing block reads or writes of successive  
To read a register, the MAP has to be set to the correct address by executing a partial write cycle  
which finishes (CS high) immediately after the MAP byte. The MAP auto increment bit (INCR)  
may be set or not, as desired. To begin a read, bring CS low, send out the chip address and set  
the read/write bit (R/W) high. The next falling edge of CCLK will clock out the MSB of the ad-  
C C L K  
C H IP  
C H IP  
M A P  
A D D R E SS  
byte 1  
C D IN  
b yte n  
High Impedance  
C D O U T  
MAP = Memory Address Pointer, 8 bits, MSB first  
Figure 17. Control Port Timing in SPI Mode  