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CS42438-CMZ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS42438-CMZ
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 108分贝192千赫6英寸,8出TDM CODEC [108 dB, 192 kHz 6-in, 8-out TDM CODEC]
分类和应用: 消费电路商用集成电路
文件页数/大小: 64 页 / 1066 K
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Hardware Mode Feature Summary  
Default Configuration  
Hardware Control  
AIN5 Multiplexer  
Selects between AIN5A and  
AIN5B when ADC3 in Sin-  
gle-Ended Mode  
“AIN5_MUX” pin 1  
see section  
AIN6 Multiplexer  
Selects between AIN6A and  
AIN6B when ADC3 in Sin-  
gle-Ended Mode  
“AIN6_MUX” pin 2  
see section  
DAC Volume Control/Mute/Invert  
All DAC Volume = 0 dB, un-  
muted, not inverted  
ADC Volume Control  
DAC Soft Ramp/Zero Cross  
ADC Soft Ramp/Zero Cross  
DAC Auto-Mute  
All ADC Volume = 0 dB  
Immediate Change  
Immediate Change  
Status Interrupt  
Table 2. Hardware Configurable Settings  
Analog Inputs  
5.2.1 Line Level Inputs  
AINx+ and AINx- are the line level differential analog inputs internally biased to VQ, approxi-  
mately VA/2. Figure 9 on page 28 shows the full-scale analog input levels. The CS42438 also  
accommodates single-ended signals on all inputs, AIN1-AIN6. See “ADC Input Filter” on  
page 51 for the recommended input filters.  
Hardware Mode  
AIN Volume Control and ADC Overflow status are not accessible in Hardware Mode. Single-  
ended operation is only supported for ADC3. See section 5.2.2 below.  
Software Mode  
For single-ended operation on ADC1-ADC3 (AIN1 to AIN6), the ADCx_SINGLE bit in the regis-  
ter “ADC Control & DAC De-emphasis (address 05h)” on page 45 must be set appropriately (see  
Figure 21 on page 51 for required external components).  
The gain/attenuation of the signal can be adjusted for each AINx independently through the  
“AINX Volume Control (address 11h-16h)” on page 49. The ADC output data is in 2’s comple-  
ment binary format. For inputs above positive full scale or below negative full scale, the ADC will  
output 7FFFFFH or 800000H, respectively and cause the ADC Overflow bit in the register “Sta-  
tus (address 19h) (Read Only)” on page 50 to be set to a ‘1’.  