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ADS7813UB 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ADS7813UB
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内容描述: 低功耗串行16位采样模拟数字转换器 [Low-Power, Serial 16-Bit Sampling ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER]
分类和应用: 转换器模数转换器光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 17 页 / 378 K
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For example, the timing diagram in Figure 2 shows that the  
CONV signal should return HIGH sometime during time t2.  
In fact, the CONV signal can return HIGH at any time  
during the conversion. However, after time t2, the transition  
of the CONV signal has the potential of creating a good deal  
of noise on the ADS7813 die. If this transition occurs at just  
precisely the wrong time, the conversion results could be  
affected. In a similar manner, transitions on the DATACLK  
input could affect the conversion result.  
The ADS7813 should be treated as a precision analog  
component and should reside completely on the “analog”  
portion of the printed circuit board. Ideally, a ground plane  
should extend underneath the ADS7813 and under all other  
analog components. This plane should be separate from the  
digital ground until they are joined at the power supply  
connection. This will help prevent dynamic digital ground  
currents from modulating the analog ground through a  
common impedance to power ground.  
For the ADS7813, there are 16 separate bit decisions which  
are made during the conversion. The most significant bit  
decision is made first, proceeding to the least significant bit  
at the end of the conversion. Each bit decision involves the  
assumption that the bit being tested should be set. This is  
combined with the result that has been achieved so far. The  
converter compares this combined result with the actual  
input voltage. If the combined result is too high, the bit is  
cleared. If the result is equal to or lower than the actual input  
voltage, the bit remains HIGH. This is why the basic  
architecture is referred to as “successive approximation  
The +5V power should be clean, well-regulated, and sepa-  
rate from the +5V power for the digital portion of the design.  
One possibility is to derive the +5V supply from a linear  
regulator located near the ADS7813. If derived from the  
digital +5V power, a 5to 10resistor should be placed in  
series with the power connection from the digital supply. It  
may also be necessary to increase the bypass capacitance  
near the VS pin (an additional 100µF or greater capacitor in  
parallel with the 10µF and 0.1µF capacitors). For designs  
with a large number of digital components or very high  
speed digital logic, this simple power supply filtering scheme  
may not be adequate.  
If the result so far is getting very close to the actual input  
voltage, then the comparison involves two voltages which are  
very close together. The ADS7813 has been designed so that  
the internal noise sources are a minimum just prior to the  
comparator result being latched. However, if a external digital  
signal transitions at this time, a great deal of noise will be  
coupled into the sensitive analog section of the ADS7813.  
Even if this noise produces a difference between the two  
voltages of only 2mV, the conversion result will be off by 52  
counts or least significant bits (LSBs). (The internal LSB size  
of the ADS7813 is 38µV regardless of the input range.)  
All successive approximation register based A/D converters  
are sensitive to external sources of noise. The reason for this  
will be explained in the following paragraphs. For the  
ADS7813 and similar A/D converters, this noise most often  
originates due to the transition of external digital signals.  
While digital signals that run near the converter can be the  
source of the noise, the biggest problem occurs with the  
digital inputs to the converter itself.  
Once a digital transition has caused the comparator to make  
a wrong bit decision, the decision cannot be corrected  
(unless some type of error correction is employed). All  
subsequent bit decisions will then be wrong. Figure 13  
shows a successive approximation process that has gone  
wrong. The dashed line represents what the correct bit  
decisions should have been. The solid line represents the  
actual result of the conversion.  
In many cases, the system designer may not be aware that  
there is a problem or a potential for a problem. For a 12-bit  
system, these problems typically occur at the least significant  
bits and only at certain places in the converter’s transfer  
function. For a 16-bit converter, the problem can be much  
easier to spot.  
External Noise  
SAR Operation after  
Wrong Bit Decision  
Actual Input  
Input Voltage  
Proper SAR Operation  
Internal DAC  
Wrong Bit Decision Made Here  
Conversion Clock  
Incorrect Result  
Correct Result  
Conversion Start  
(Hold Mode)  
FIGURE 13. SAR Operation When External Noise Affects the Conversion.  