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ADS1112IDGSR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ADS1112IDGSR
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内容描述: 16位模拟数字转换器与输入多路复用器和板载参考 [16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with Input Multiplexer and Onboard Reference]
分类和应用: 转换器复用器光电二极管PC
文件页数/大小: 18 页 / 680 K
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SBAS282D − JUNE 2003 − REVISED MARCH 2004  
Note that only one set of pull-up resistors is needed per  
bus. The pull-up resistor values may need to be lowered  
slightly to compensate for the additional bus capacitance  
presented by multiple devices and increased line length.  
Figure 7. Using GPIO with a Single ADS1112  
Bit-banging I2C with GPIO pins can be done by setting the  
GPIO line to zero and toggling it between input and output  
modes to apply the proper bus states. To drive the line  
LOW, the pin is set to output a zero; to let the line go HIGH,  
the pin is set to input. When the pin is set to input, the state  
of the pin can be read; if another device is pulling the line  
low, this will read as a zero in the port’s input register.  
Note that no pull-up resistor is shown on the SCL line. In  
this simple case, the resistor is not needed; the  
microcontroller can simply leave the line on output, and set  
it to one or zero as appropriate. It can do this because the  
ADS1112 never drives its clock line LOW. This technique  
can also be used with multiple devices, and has the  
advantage of lower current consumption due to the  
absence of a resistive pull-up.  
If there are any devices on the bus that may drive their  
clock lines LOW, the above method should not be used;  
the SCL line should be high-Z or zero and a pull-up resistor  
provided as usual. Note also that this cannot be done on  
the SDA line in any case, because the ADS1112 does drive  
the SDA line LOW from time to time, as do all I2C devices.  
Figure 6. Connecting Multiple Device Types  
Some microcontrollers have selectable strong pull-up  
circuits built in to their GPIO ports. In some cases, these  
can be switched on and used in place of an external pull-up  
resistor. Weak pull-ups are also provided on some  
microcontrollers, but usually these are too weak for I2C  
communication. If there is any doubt about the matter, test  
the circuit before committing it to production.  
The TMP100 and DAC8574 devices detect their I2C bus  
addresses based on the states of pins. In the example, the  
TMP100 has the address 1001111, and the DAC8574 has  
the address 1001100. Consult the DAC8574 and TMP100  
data sheets, located at www.ti.com, for further details.  
Most microcontrollers have programmable input/output  
pins that can be set in software to act as inputs or outputs.  
If an I2C controller is not available, the ADS1112 can be  
connected to GPIO pins and the I2C bus protocol  
simulated, or “bit-banged,” in software. An example of this  
for a single ADS1112 is shown in Figure 7.  