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AOZ9004BI-04 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AOZ9004BI-04
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内容描述: 单节电池保护IC ,内置MOSFET [Single-Cell Battery Protection IC with Integrated MOSFET]
分类和应用: 电池
文件页数/大小: 17 页 / 551 K
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Theory of Operation  
Please refer to the Timing Diagrams for more information.  
Over-Discharge Status  
When the battery voltage falls below over-discharge  
detection voltage (V ) for the over-discharge detection-  
Normal Status  
The AOZ9004B monitors the voltage between the VDD  
pin and VSS pin and the voltage difference between the  
VM pin and VSS pin to control charging and discharging.  
Since the device only draws a few microamperes of  
current during operation and the voltage drop across the  
low-pass filter R1 is negligible, the voltage between VDD  
and VSS is equal to the battery voltage. When the battery  
voltage is in the range between over-discharge detection  
delay time (t ) or longer, the IC turns off the discharging  
control MOSFET to stop discharging. This condition is the  
over-discharge status. Under the over-discharge  
status, the VM pin voltage is pulled up by the resistor  
between the VM pin and VDD pin in the IC (R  
). When  
voltage difference between the VM pin and VDD pin is  
1.3V (Typ.) or lower, the productions with “Shut-down  
Function Available” feature can enter the shut-down  
status to save power. At this status, the current consump-  
tion is reduced to the shut-down current consumption  
(IPON). The shut-down status is released when a charger  
is connected and the voltage difference between the VM  
pin and VDD pin becomes 1.3V (Typ.) or higher.  
voltage (V ) and overcharge detection voltage (V ),  
and the VM pin voltage is in the range between the charge  
over-current detection voltage (V ) and  
discharge over-current detection voltage (V  
), the IC  
turns both the charging and discharging control FETs on.  
In this normal status, charging and discharging can be  
carried out freely.  
When a battery in the over-discharge status is connected  
to a charger and provides that the VM pin voltage is lower  
than -0.7V (Typ.), the AOZ9004B releases the over-  
discharge status and turns on the discharging MOSFET  
when the battery voltage reaches over-discharge  
Caution: Products with “Shut-down Function Available”  
feature may not enable discharging when the battery is  
connected for the first time. Connect the charger or short  
VM pin to VSS can restore the normal status.  
detection voltage (V ) or higher. If VM pin voltage is not  
lower than -0.7V (Typ.), the AOZ9004B releases the over-  
discharge status and turns on the discharging MOSFET  
when the battery voltage reaches over-discharge  
Overcharge Status  
When the battery voltage rises higher than overcharge  
detection voltage (V ) or higher.  
detection voltage (V ) for the overcharge detection delay  
time (t ) or longer in the normal status, the AOZ9004B  
turns off the charging control MOSFET to stop charging.  
This condition is the overcharge status. The resistance  
Discharge Over-Current Status (Discharge  
Over-current, Load Short-circuiting)  
tance (R  
) between the VM pin and VDD pin, and the resis-  
When a battery is in the normal status, and the discharge  
current becomes higher than specified value and the  
status lasts for the discharge over-current detection delay  
) between the VM pin and VSS pin are not  
connected. The overcharge status is released in the fol-  
lowing two cases:  
time (t  
), the IC turns off the discharge control  
MOSFET and stops discharging. This status is the  
discharge over-current status. In the discharge over-  
current status, the VM pin and VSS pin are shorted by the  
1. When the battery voltage falls below overcharge  
release voltage (V ) and VM pin voltage is higher  
than -0.7V (Typ.) (charger is removed), the  
AOZ9004B turns on the charging control MOSFET  
and returns to the normal status.  
resistor between VM pin and VSS pin (R  
) in the IC.  
When the load is disconnected, the VM pin returns to the  
VSS potential. When the impedance between the EB+ pin  
and EB- pin (Refer to Figure 1) increases and is equal to  
the impedance that enables automatic restoration and the  
voltage at the VM pin returns to discharge over-  
2. When a load is connected and battery voltage is  
below overcharge detection voltage (V ), the  
AOZ9004B turns on the charging control MOSFET  
and returns to the normal status.  
current detection voltage (V  
) or lower, the discharge  
over-current status is restored to the normal status. Even  
if the connected impedance is smaller than automatic res-  
toration level, the AOZ9004B will be restored to the nor-  
mal status from discharge over-current detection  
Caution: When both charger and load are connected after  
overcharge detection, charging control FET still remains  
off and a portion of the load current may flow through body  
diode of charging control FET if the charger can not sup-  
ply the full load current. This condition may overheat the  
charging control FET. Please refer to the Typical Charac-  
teristics for more information.  
status when the voltage at the VM pin becomes the  
discharge over-current detection voltage (V  
) or lower  
by connecting the charger. The resistance (R  
between the VM pin and VDD pin is not connected in the  
discharge over-current detection status.  
Rev. 1.2 August 2008  
Page 9 of 17  