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AM79C978KC/W 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM79C978KC/W
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内容描述: 单芯片1/10 Mbps的PCI家庭网络控制器 [Single-Chip 1/10 Mbps PCI Home Networking Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 261 页 / 3499 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
 浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第30页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第31页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第32页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第33页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第35页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第36页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第37页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第38页  
Receive Signals  
Network Status Signals  
Transmit Signals  
Management Port Signals  
Figure 1. Media Independent Interface  
MII Receive Interface  
MII Network Status Interface  
The MII also provides signals that are consistent and  
necessary for IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.3u operation.  
These signals are CRS (Carrier Sense) and COL (Col-  
lision Sense). Carrier Sense is used to detect non-idle  
activity on the network. Collision Sense is used to indi-  
cate that simultaneous transmission has occurred in a  
half-duplex network.  
The MII receive clock is also generated by the external  
PHY and is sent to the Am79C978 controller on the  
RX_CLK input pin. The clock will be the same fre-  
quency as the TX_CLK but will be out of phase and can  
run at 25 MHz or 2.5 MHz, depending on the speed of  
the network to which the external PHY is attached.  
The RX_CLK is a continuous clock during the reception  
of the frame, but can be stopped for up to two RX_CLK  
periods at the beginning and the end of frames, so that  
the external PHY can sync up to the network data traffic  
necessary to recover the receive clock. During this  
time, the external PHY may switch to the TX_CLK to  
maintain a stable clock on the receive interface. The  
Am79C978 controller will handle this situation with no  
loss of data. The data is a nibble-wide (4 bits) data  
path, RXD(3:0), from the external PHY to the  
Am79C978 controller and is synchronous to the rising  
edge of RX_CLK.  
MII Management Interface  
The MII provides a two-wire management interface so  
that the Am79C978 controller can control and receive  
status from external PHY devices.  
The Network Port Manager copies the PHYAD after the  
Am79C978 controller reads the EEPROM and uses it  
to communicate with the external PHY. (Refer also to  
the BCR49 description). The PHY address must be  
programmed into the EEPROM prior to starting the  
Am79C978 controller. This is necessary so that the in-  
ternal management controller can work autonomously  
from the software driver and can always know where to  
access the external PHY. The Am79C978 controller is  
unique by offering direct hardware support of the exter-  
nal PHY device without software support. The PHY ad-  
dress of 1Fh is reserved and should not be used. To  
access the internal or external PHYs, the software  
driver must have knowledge of the PHYs address be-  
fore attempting to address it.  
The receive process starts when RX_DV is asserted.  
RX_DV will remain asserted until the end of the receive  
frame. The Am79C978 controller requires CRS (Car-  
rier Sense) to toggle in between frames in order to re-  
ceive them properly. Errors in the currently received  
frame are signaled across the MII by the RX_ER pin.  
RX_ER can be used to signal special conditions out of  
band when RX_DV is not asserted. Two defined out-of-  
band conditions for this are the 100BASE-TX signaling  
of bad Start of Frame Delimiter and the 100BASE-T4  
indication of illegal code group before the receiver has  
synched to the incoming data. The Am79C978 control-  
ler will not respond to these conditions. All out of band  
conditions are currently treated as NULL events.  
The MII Management Interface uses the MII Control,  
Address, and Data registers (BCR32, 33, 34) to control  
and communicate to the external PHYs. The  
Am79C978 controller generates MII management  
frames to the external PHY through the MDIO pin syn-  
chronous to the rising edge of the Management Data  
Clock (MDC) based on a combination of writes and  
reads to these registers.  