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AM79C978KC/W 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM79C978KC/W
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内容描述: 单芯片1/10 Mbps的PCI家庭网络控制器 [Single-Chip 1/10 Mbps PCI Home Networking Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 261 页 / 3499 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
 浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第152页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第153页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第154页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第155页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第157页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第158页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第159页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第160页  
This bit is always read/write ac-  
cessible. IOBASEU is not affect-  
ed by S_RESET or STOP.  
tACC = ROMTMG * CLK period  
*CLK_FAC - (tv_A_D) + (ts_D)  
The access time for the Expan-  
sion ROM or for the EBDATA  
(BCR30) device (tACC) during  
write operations can be calculat-  
ed by subtracting the clock to out-  
put delay for the EBUA EBA[7:0]  
outputs (tv_A_D) and by adding  
the input to clock setup time for  
Flash/EPRO inputs (ts_D) from  
the time defined by ROMTMG.  
BCR18: Burst and Bus Control Register  
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable  
through the EEPROM.  
31-16 RES  
Reserved locations. Written as  
zeros and read as undefined.  
15-12 ROMTMG  
Expansion ROM Timing. The val-  
ue of ROMTMG is used to tune  
the timing for all EBDATA  
(BCR30) accesses to Flash/  
EPROM as well as all Expansion  
ROM accesses to Flash/EPROM.  
tACC = ROMTMG * CLK period *  
CLK_FAC - (tv_A_D) - (ts_D)  
For an adapter card application,  
the value used for clock period  
should be 30 ns to guarantee cor-  
rect interface timing at the maxi-  
mum clock frequency of 33 MHz.  
ROMTMG, during read opera-  
tions, defines the time from when  
the Am79C978 controller drives  
the lower 8 or 16 bits of the Ex-  
pansion Bus Address bus to  
when the Am79C978 controller  
latches in the data on the 8 or 16  
bits of the Expansion Bus Data  
inputs. ROMTMG, during write  
operations, defines the time from  
when the Am79C978 controller  
drives the lower 8 or 16 bits of the  
Expansion Bus Data to when the  
EBWE and EROMCS deassert.  
These bits are read accessible al-  
ways; write accessible only when  
the STOP bit is set. ROMTMG is  
set to the value of 1001b by  
H_RESET and is not affected by  
S_RESET or STOP. The default  
value allows using an Expansion  
ROM with an access time of 250  
ns in a system with a maximum  
clock frequency of 33 MHz.  
No Underflow on Transmit. When  
the NOUFLO bit is set to 1, the  
Am79C978 controller will not start  
transmitting the preamble for a  
packet until the Transmit Start  
Point (CSR80, bits 10-11) re-  
quirement (except when XMTSP  
= 3h, Full Packet has no meaning  
when NOUFLO is set to 1) has  
been met and the complete pack-  
et has been DMAd into the  
Am79C978 controller. The com-  
plete packet may reside in any  
combination of the Bus Transmit  
FIFO, the SRAM, and the MAC  
Transmit FIFO as long as enough  
of the packet is in the MAC Trans-  
mit FIFO to meet the Transmit  
Start Point requirement. When  
the NOUFLO bit is cleared to 0,  
the Transmit Start Point is the  
only restriction on when preamble  
transmission begins for transmit  
The register value specifies the  
time in number of clock cycles +1  
according to Table 36.  
Table 36. ROMTNG Programming Values  
ROMTMG (bits 15-12) No. of Expansion Bus Cycles  
1h<=n <=Fh  
Note: Programming ROMTNG  
with a value of 0 is not permitted.  
The access time for the Expan-  
sion ROM or the EBDATA  
(BCR30) device (tACC) during  
read operations can be calculat-  
ed by subtracting the clock to out-  
put delay for the EBUA_EBA[7:0]  
outputs (tv_A_D) and by subtract-  
ing the input to clock setup time  
for the EBD[7:0] inputs (ts_D)  
from the time defined by ROMT-  