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S2021A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S2021A
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Telecom Circuit, 1-Func, BICMOS, CBGA225, CERAMIC, PGA-225]
分类和应用: 电信信息通信管理电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 38 页 / 168 K
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{REJ0-3} The REJect 0 through REJect 3 states are  
entered at {REJ0} from either {IDLENAB} or  
{REQCON} when the “CNRJ” decode is true.  
These states are sequenced in order unless over-  
ridden by a “DSBL” decode. The CON signal is  
asserted on the HIPPI channel for these states,  
providing the minimum four clock cycle response  
for an active Connection Reject. This sequence is  
exited to the {REJ4} state if “DSBL” remains false.  
{WAITIDLE} The WAIT IDLE state is entered from the  
{HANGERR} state if the “DSBL” decode remains  
false. This state persists if either the “RQCN”,  
“CNAC” or “CNRJ” decodes are true. This state is  
exited to the {IDLENAB} state if the “IENB” decode  
is true.  
SRCAV SouRCe AVailable signal to the Destination  
Host sytem. A “1” on this signal indicates that the  
HIPPI channel, from the remote Source through the  
local Destination device is available.  
{REJ4-7} The REJect 4 through REJect 7 states are  
entered at {REJ4} from {REJ3}. These states are  
sequenced in order unless overridden by a “DSBL”  
decode. The CON signal is deasserted for these  
states, defining the active Connection Reject. This  
sequence is exited to the {REJCOMPL} state if  
“DSBL” remains false.  
A “0” on this signal indicates that either the SDIC is  
inactive, the Destination device is in a Reset or test  
mode, or that the Data/FIFO SM is in an Error  
{REJCOMPL} The REJect COMPLete state is entered  
from the {REJ7} state if “DSBL” decode is false, or  
from the {CONNECTED} state if the “RQCN” de-  
code is true. This state persists while “RQCN”.  
“CNRJ” or “CNAC” are true. This state is exited to  
the {IDLENAB} state if the “IENB” decode is true, or  
to the {IDLDSAB} state if the “IDSB” decode is true.  
CONRQ CONNect ReQuest signal to the Destination  
Host system. A “1” on this signal indicates that the  
REQ signal from the HIPPI channel has been as-  
serted and recognized by the Destination device. A  
“0” on this signal occurs when the REQ signal is  
This signal when active indicates the time during  
which the CONIN input may be used to actively  
accept or reject a Connection Request.  
The DISCONnect  
DISCONnect 3 states are entered in sequence  
from the {CONNECTED} state or from the  
{INCOMPDCON} state when the “IENB” decode is  
true. These states are sequenced in order unless  
overridden by a “DSBL” decode.  
CON CONnect signal to the HIPPI channel. The func-  
tions of this signal are defined in the HIPPI-PH  
The function of this sequence is to assure that at  
least four clock cycles of deasserted CON on the  
HIPPI channel to recognize the Disconnected con-  
dition of the channel. This sequence is exited to the  
{IDLENAB} state if the “IENB” decode is true.  
The HIPPI Destination device Host Data/FIFO State  
Machine’ (SM) is part of the Host Data/FIFO Control  
Block’. The State Machine controls the flow of data and  
status from the HIPPI channel, through the S2021 Des-  
tination device to the Destination Host FIFO and the  
associated status registers.  
{INCOMPDCON} The INCOMPlete DisCONnect state  
is entered from the {CONNECTED} state if the  
“IDSB” decode is true (REQ on the HIPPI channel  
is deasserted, but CONIN remains asserted). This  
state persists if the “IDSB” decoode remains true.  
This state is exited to the {DISCON0} state if the  
“IENB” decode is true, or to the {HANGERR} state  
if either the “RQCN”, “CNAC” or “CNRJ” decodes  
are true.  
The Data/FIFO SM also provides addressing control to  
vector data and status words to their appropriate regis-  
The Host Data/FIFO SM has inputs from the HIPPI  
channel and the Connect Control SM. Based on the  
current set of inputs and the last state of this state  
machine, the next Data/FIFO state is entered and a  
related set of outputs is generated to the Destination  
Host system.  
{HANGERR} The HANG ERRor state is entered from  
from either the {IDLDSAB} or {INCOMPDCON}  
states if either the “RQCN”, “CNAC” or “CNRJ” de-  
codes are true. These decodes represent errone-  
ous sequences of the Host or channel control  
signals. This state is exited after one clock cycle to  
the {WAITIDLE} state.  
As before, all external device signal names shall be  
CAPITALIZED and underlined, the SM input ‘alphabet’  
or decode names shall be in double quotes (“), and all  
internal state names shall be enclosed in curly brackets  
‘{}’. Signals internal to the Source device other than  
previously defined state names shall be in caret brack-  
ets ‘< >’.  