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S2021A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S2021A
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Telecom Circuit, 1-Func, BICMOS, CBGA225, CERAMIC, PGA-225]
分类和应用: 电信信息通信管理电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 38 页 / 168 K
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If the process that empties the FIFO is faster than the  
data rate of the HIPPI Channel, the RDYIN input may  
be driven by a free-running TTL signal at a frequency  
less than or equal to 12.5 MHz. In that configuration the  
Buffer counter will quickly fill to 65,535.  
S2021 HIPPI Destination Device Normal  
Functional Sequence  
After a connection is accepted, the READY signals are  
continuously generated at the maximum rate allowed  
by the HIPPI Standard (160 ns asserted, 160 ns  
deasserted) and counted in the internal READY  
Counter until the two counters are equal. If a continu-  
ous toggling signal is applied to RDYIN, 65,535 READY  
pulses will be sent at the maximum rate. From that  
point on each received Burst will allow one and only  
one READY pulse to be generated.  
The S2021 Destination Device responds to Connection  
and data transfer requests received from the HIPPI  
The RESET Command (Mode 0) initializes all internal  
registers and state machines of the S2021. The Reset  
Command also places all Host side TTL outputs in the  
high-impedance state and the HIPPI Channel outputs  
(CONNECT and READY) in the deasserted state. The  
Destination to Source Interconnect output (DSIC) is  
also placed in the high logic low state. If the circuit  
recommended on page 19 of the S2020/S2021 Device  
Specification is used, this will result in a high inactive  
level on the HIPPI Channel DSIC signal.  
When an active REQUEST is detected on the HIPPI  
Channel the {REQCON} state and the {IFIELD} state  
are entered. The data on the HIPPI Channel is pre-  
sented at the outputs of the S2021 along with a logic  
high on the CONRQ output.  
After the RESET Command initialization is complete the  
Device should be placed in the operational state through  
the Mode 5 Command. The Host system should place a  
logic low signal on the CONIN input. The SRCAV output  
should then be monitored to determine the status of the  
Source Driving the HIPPI Channel.  
The SELB outputs assume the 001 code for the HIPPI  
I-Field. At this point the Host system must decide to  
either accept or reject the connection. The Host system  
must place a logic high on the CONIN input while hold-  
ing the ACCRJ at logic high to accept the connection. If  
ACCRJ is held low when CONIN is asserted the con-  
nection will be rejected. For applications where all  
REQUESTs must be accepted, the CONRQ output  
may be connected directly to the CONIN input and the  
ACCRJ input held high.  
If this signal is at a logic 0, either the Source to Destina-  
tion Interconnect (SDIC) is inactive or one of the Chan-  
nel Control signals (REQUEST, PACKET or BURST)  
from the Source is active. A logic 1 on the SRCAV  
output indicates the presence of a functional Source  
capable of initiating data transfers.  
If the REQUEST is rejected (CONIN =1, ACCRJ =0)  
the S2021 will assert the CONNECT signal on the  
HIPPI Channel for four clock cycles and then deassert  
the CONNECT signal for four cycles. If at the end of this  
sequence the Source has deasseted the REQUEST  
signal the S2021 will return to either the {IDLDSAB}  
state (CONIN=1) or the {IDLENAB} state (CONIN=0).  
When the {IDLENAB} state is reached the S2021 is  
able to process another Connection Request from the  
In the initialized but not connected condition, the S2021  
cycles through the {DISCON0-2} state sequence. This  
is monitored by the host system by observing the 5,6,7  
repeating sequence on the SELB(2:0) outputs and the  
appropriate internal status words on the data outputs.  
At this point the Host system may initialize the internal  
Buffer Counter of the S2021 with the number of Burst-  
sized (256 word) buffer blocks available in the external  
FIFO and memory system. This is accomplished by  
placing a rising edge signal on the RDYIN input for  
each buffer block to be counted. Thus, if the available  
FIFO is 4K words deep, and the process that empties  
the FIFO is slower than the data rate of the HIPPI  
Channel, 16 pulses would be supplied to the RDYIN  
If the Host system has accepted the connection request  
(CONIN=1, ACCRJ=1) the S2021 will return to the  
{DISCON0-2} sequence until the CONNECT signal has  
been asserted for four clock cycles. At that point the  
S2021 enters the {IDLE} state (SELB=3) and remains  
there until the Source asserts the PACKET signal on  
the HIPPI Channel.  
During the disconnected condition, the state of the  
Buffer counter can be monitored by observing its con-  
tents in the lower half of the Flow status Word 2 which  
is presented to the outputs during the SELB=7 state.  
The Buffer Counter has a capacity of 2exp16 - 1 counts  
(65,535 buffers). Inputs to RDYIN greater than this will  
be ignored.  
When the PACKET signal is detected from the Chan-  
nel, the S2021 responds by placing a logic 1 on the  
PKOUT output and waits for a Burst data transfer to  
begin. The SELB bus remains in state 3. If the Source  
drops the PACKET on the Channel without beginning a  
Burst, i.e. attempts to form an “empty” Packet, the  
S2021 will detect a Sequence Error.  