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S2021A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S2021A
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Telecom Circuit, 1-Func, BICMOS, CBGA225, CERAMIC, PGA-225]
分类和应用: 电信信息通信管理电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 38 页 / 168 K
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The detected Sequence Error will force the CONNECT  
to deassert, issue one Sequence Error word on the  
data outputs (SELB=4), and then return to the  
{DISCON0-2} sequence with its accompanying  
SELB5,6,7 sequence.  
Packet or end the Connection by deasserting the RE-  
QUEST signal. It should be noted that the Source may  
deassert the REQUEST signal at the same time as it  
deasserts the PACKET signal. In either case the S2021  
returns to the SELB5,6,7 sequence (internal states  
In the normal data transfer procedure, the Source will  
follow the asserted PACKET by asserting the BURST  
signal at least one clock cycle later. If the BURST is  
asserted at the same time as or before PACKET, the  
Sequence Error process described above will occur.  
The value in the BURST Counter is loaded into the  
READY Counter, since the previous difference between  
these two counters represents the READYs that were  
“lost” or unanswered by the now disconnected Source.  
A legally asserted and detected Burst will cause the  
S2021 to place a logic 1 on the BROUT output, place  
the SELB bus to state 0, and place the received data  
and parity bits on the data and parity outputs as the first  
word of the Burst.  
Unless the Destination Host System resets the flow  
counters (NRRDY set to logic 0) or resets the S2021  
(Mode 0 Reset) The available Buffer count is preserved  
for the next Connection.  
The HIPPI Destination device Connect Control State  
Machine (SM) controls the Connection state of the  
HIPPI channel to which it it is attached. The Connect  
Control SM has inputs from the Destination Host and  
from the HIPPI channel (remote Source). Based on the  
current set of inputs and the last state of this circuit the  
next Connect state is entered and a related set of out-  
puts is generated to the Destination Host and to the  
HIPPI channel (remote Source).  
The S2021 will continue to place received data and  
parity on the outputs (with SELB=0) until the Source  
deasserts the BURST signal. The S2021 makes no dis-  
tinction between short Bursts (less than 256 words),  
normal Bursts (exactly 256 words), or “extended” Bursts  
(greater than 256 words). As long as the Source pro-  
vides an LLRC word calculated with a modulo 256 word  
count in accordance with the HIPPI Specification, the  
S2021 will process the Burst without error.  
The Burst is ended when the S2021 detects that the  
Source has deasserted the BURST signal on the HIPPI  
Channel. The data and parity word received with the  
deasserted BURST are placed on the outputs as the  
LLRC word (SELB=2). The received LLRC word is  
compared with the LLRC internally calculated and any  
mismatch will set the RLLER output to logic 1 at the  
next clock cycle.  
For this discussion, all external device signal names  
shall be CAPITALIZED and underlined, the SM input  
‘alphabet’ or decode names shall be in double quotes  
(“) and all internal state names shall be  
enclosed in curley brackets ‘{}’. Signals internal to the  
Destination device other than previously defined state  
names shall be in caret brackets ‘< >’.  
As each Burst is completed, the internal Burst Counter  
is incremented by one as described above. During the  
inter-Burst idle time the SELB bus is placed in state 3  
and the general operational status word appears on the  
data outputs. That status word allows the comparison  
flags for the Flow Control circuit to be observed.  
MSEL2-0 Mode SELect lines 2 - 0 from the Destination  
Host system. Although there are eight possible  
modes for the Destination device selected by these  
signals, only modes 0 (RESET) and 5(OPERA-  
TIONAL) are part of this discussion.  
The ALLBSTS flag is 1 when the READY and BURST  
counters are equal. The 64KBFRS flag is 1 when the  
Last Burst and Buffer counters are equal. The  
ALLRDYS flag is one when the READY and Buffer  
counters are equal.  
SDIC Source to Destination InterConnect signal. A ‘0’ on  
this signal indicates the presence of a functioning  
Source on the HIPPI channel. A ‘1’ on this signal  
indicates the absence of a functioning Source on the  
HIPPI channel. This signal is debounced and in-  
verted to form <NRAWSDIC> (active high). A ‘1’ on  
this input (or ‘0’ on the <NRAWSDIC> signal) is suffi-  
cient to force the internal “DSBL” decode indepen-  
dent of other inputs.  
The S2021 will continue to process received Bursts un-  
til the Source deasserts the PACKET signal. The inter-  
Packet condition will also result in the general  
operational status word appearing at the outputs (with  
At this point the Source may elect to start another  