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EPM240T100C5 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EPM240T100C5
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内容描述: [最大II器件]
分类和应用: 可编程逻辑器件输入元件PC
文件页数/大小: 295 页 / 3815 K
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Chapter 12: Real-Time ISP and ISP Clamp for MAX II Devices  
ISP Clamp  
Figure 12–9. The Quartus II Programmer Window with the Specific IPS File  
Saving the IPS File Information to the Programming File  
The pin state information in the IPS file can be saved into the POF to avoid requiring  
two files. You will only need the programming file to program a device in ISP clamp  
mode. This programming file is also used for creating the Jam and JBC files for the ISP  
clamp so that the Jam or JBC files will contain the pin state information. The following  
are the steps to save the pin state information from the IPS file to the programming  
1. Add in the programming file in the programmer window.  
2. Add in the IPS file to the programmer.  
3. Click Save File in the programmer window or on the Edit menu, and the Save  
Data To File As dialog box will appear. See Figure 12–10.  
4. Enter the file name, check the Include IPS file information box, and click Save.  
The POF with saved IPS information only supports ISP clamp operation in the  
Quartus II software and not with third-party programming tools. For third-party  
tools, Jam or JBC files should be used if ISP clamp is required.  
Figure 12–10. Save Data To File as Menu  
When programming a device with the ISP Clamp box checked, the Quartus II  
Programmer will first look for the IPS file. If the IPS file is not found, only then it will  
look into the POF for the pin state information.  
MAX II Device Handbook  
© October 2008 Altera Corporation  