MultiTrack Interconnect
interconnects can drive and be driven by all types of architecture blocks
similar to C4 interconnects. C8 interconnects can drive each other to
extend their range as well as R8 interconnects for column-to-column
connections. C8 interconnects are faster than two C4 interconnects.
C16 column interconnects span a length of 16 LABs and provide the
fastest resource for long column connections between LABs, TriMatrix
memory blocks, DSP blocks, and IOEs. C16 interconnects can cross M-
RAM blocks and also drive to row and column interconnects at every
fourth LAB. C16 interconnects drive LAB local interconnects via C4 and
R4 interconnects and do not drive LAB local interconnects directly.
All embedded blocks communicate with the logic array similar to LAB-
to-LAB interfaces. Each block (that is, TriMatrix memory and DSP blocks)
connects to row and column interconnects and has local interconnect
regions driven by row and column interconnects. These blocks also have
direct link interconnects for fast connections to and from a neighboring
LAB. All blocks are fed by the row LAB clocks, labclk[7..0].
Stratix GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
Altera Corporation
February 2005