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EP1SGX40GF1020I6 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EP1SGX40GF1020I6
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内容描述: [Field Programmable Gate Array, 4697 CLBs, 41250-Cell, CMOS, PBGA1020, 33 X 33 MM, 1 MM PITCH, FBGA-1020]
分类和应用: 可编程逻辑
文件页数/大小: 272 页 / 1348 K
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Source-Synchronous Signaling With DPA  
To manage the alignment procedure, a state machine should be built in  
the FPGA logic array to generate the realignment signal. The following  
guidelines outline the requirements for this state machine.  
The design must include an input synchronizing register to ensure  
that data is synchronized to the ×W/J clock.  
After the state machine, use another synchronizing register to  
capture the generated rx_channel_data_alignsignal and  
synchronize it to the ×W/J clock.  
Because the skew in the path from the output of this synchronizing  
register to the PLL is undefined, the state machine must generate a  
pulse that is high for two W/J clock periods.  
To guarantee the state machine does not incorrectly generate  
multiple rx_channel_data_alignpulses to shift a single bit, the  
state machine must hold the rx_channel_data_alignsignal low  
for at least three ×1 clock periods between pulses.  
Altera Corporation  
August 2005  
Stratix GX Device Handbook, Volume 1  