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T9000 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: T9000
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内容描述: ISDN网络终端节点( NTN )设备 [ISDN Network Termination Node (NTN) Device]
分类和应用: 综合业务数字网
文件页数/大小: 126 页 / 1581 K
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Preliminary Data Sheet  
November 2000  
ISDN Network Termination Node (NTN) Device  
10.3 GCI-NT Mode (GCCF[GMODE(1:0)] = 00)  
10 GCI+ Interface Module (continued)  
Figure 16 shows the frame structure for the GCI-NT  
mode. The DCL clock rate is automatically set to  
512 kHz, overriding the value defined by  
GCCF[GRATE(1:0)]. In addition, a powerdown mode is  
available in which DCL is stopped (see Section 10.5,  
GCI+ Powerdown Mode).  
10.2 GCI Modes (GCCF[GMODE(1:0)] = 0x)  
GCI mode is for use with codecs having a GCI inter-  
face. Two GCI modes are supported by the NTN  
GCI-NT mode with a GCI frame structure of only one  
The data rate in GCI-NT mode is automatically set to  
256 kHz, overriding the value defined by  
GCCF[CKMODE]. A total of four 8-bit time slots are  
contained in each frame. Time slots 0 and 1 carry user  
data, time slot 2 is the GCI monitor (MON) channel,  
and time slot 3 is the GCI signaling and control chan-  
GCI channel.  
GCI-SCIT mode with a GCI frame structure of three  
GCI channels.  
In both modes, the circuit operates as a GCI master  
device, i.e., the DCL output pin provides the GCI clock  
signal (512 kHz or 1536 kHz). A BCLK signal is avail-  
able on the GPIO2.1 pin when GPAF1[GPAF2.1] = 1.  
BCLK occurs once per bit time and is a divide-by-two  
version of the DCL signal.  
The FS1 output pin provides the frame synchronization  
clock (FSC) as defined by the GCI standard. It  
becomes active with the rising edge of DCL at the start  
of time slot 0 and is turned off one-half of a DCL period  
prior to the start of time slot 1.  
The FS1 output pin provides the frame synchronization  
clock (FSC) signal as defined by the GCI standard (see  
Figure 17). The internal PFS1 and PFS2 signals mark  
the location of the B1 and B2 time slots on the TDM  
highway. PFS2 is output on the FS2 pin (see Table 77).  
PFS1 can be made available on the GPIO2.2 pin by  
setting GPAF1[GPAF2.2] = 1.  
In this mode, the NTN device:  
May transfer upstream/downstream data on time-  
slots 0 and 1.  
Manages the MON channel’s operation, mainte-  
nance, and data transfer (see Section 10.3.2, Moni-  
tor Message Transfer for more details).  
The PFS1 and PFS2 (programmable frame sync) sig-  
nals may be programmed to be a pulse (duration of  
one bit period, sometimes referred to as short frame  
sync) or envelope (duration of one time slot, some-  
times referred to as long frame sync). Register bit  
GCCF[PFSPE] sets the short or long frame sync mode.  
Provides control of the C/I subchannel (see Section  
10.4, C/I Message Transfer for more details).  
Register bit GCOF1[OFF10] controls the time slots to  
which PFS1 and PFS2 are associated. If  
The U-interface B1 and B2 channels are normally  
transferred to/from the codec on the time slots marked  
by PFS1 and PFS2, respectively. This ordering can be  
switched by setting the DFAC[BSWAP] register bit to 1.  
GCOF1[OFF10] = 0 PFS1 occurs during time slot 0  
(GCI-B1 channel) and PFS2 occurs during time slot 1  
(GCI-B2 channel). If GCOF1[OFF10] = 1 the associa-  
tion is reversed, PFS1 occurs during time slot 1  
(GCI-B2 channel) and the PFS2 occurs during time slot  
0 (GCI-B1 channel). Note that the GCOF1(OFF1[4:1])  
bits are ignored in GCI-NT mode, as is the entire  
GCOF2 register.  
Register bit GCCF[PFSDEL] controls the relative  
delay between PFSx (x = 1 or x = 2) and the first  
data bit of the time slot associated with PFSx. When  
GCCF[PFSDEL] = 0, the PFSx rising edge is coinci-  
dent with the start of the first data bit of the correspond-  
ing time slot. When GCCF[PFSDEL] = 1, the PFSx  
rising edge occurs one data bit prior to the first data bit  
of the corresponding time slot.  
Generation of the PFSx signals and data transfer  
to/from the corresponding time slots may be disabled  
by setting DFR[PFSx_ACT] = 0.  
Lucent Technologies Inc.  