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T9000 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: T9000
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: ISDN网络终端节点( NTN )设备 [ISDN Network Termination Node (NTN) Device]
分类和应用: 综合业务数字网
文件页数/大小: 126 页 / 1581 K
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Preliminary Data Sheet  
November 2000  
ISDN Network Termination Node (NTN) Device  
7.3.2 Automatic EOC (AUTOEOC) Mode  
7 Transmission Superblock (continued)  
In the automatic EOC (AUTOEOC) mode, the down-  
stream EOC messages are interpreted and acted upon  
by the NTN with no need for microcontroller interven-  
tion. The appropriate upstream response is automati-  
cally generated.  
7.3 Data Flow/Activation Control Module  
This module provides the following functions:  
S/T-interface and U-interface activation/deactivation  
The set of EOC messages supported by the NTN are  
those defined in ETSI TS 080 and ANSI T1.601, and  
are shown in Table 21.  
U-interface management.  
— M4 bit filtering.  
— Automatic/manual EOC channel control.  
— Register interface.  
7.3.3 Manual EOC Mode  
In the manual EOC mode, the microcontroller is  
responsible for interpreting the downstream EOC mes-  
sage, taking the appropriate action, and responding  
correctly in the upstream direction.  
— Activation/deactivation management.  
S/T-interface management.  
— Register interface.  
— Activation/deactivation management.  
In both manual and AUTOEOC modes, the NTN stores  
the most recent downstream EOC contents in registers  
ESR0 and ESR1. The microcontroller can be inter-  
rupted on either a single change in the EOC contents  
(see bit UIR[EOCSC]) or a trinal-checked change in the  
EOC contents (see bit UIR[EOC3SC]). Actions in  
response to the standard set of messages shown in  
Table 21 can be taken by writing to register ECR0[7:4].  
The microcontroller writes the upstream EOC response  
to registers ECR0[3:0] and ECR1[7:0]. The half-super-  
frame interrupt UIR[RHSF] can be used to determine  
the correct EOC message timing.  
Data flow functions:  
— Mapping of B1-, B2-, and D-channel data between  
S/T bus and U bus.  
— Mapping of D-channel data between the HDLC  
transmitter module and the U bus.  
— Mapping of B1- and B2-channel data between the  
GCI+ interface and the U bus.  
7.3.1 EOC State Machine (EOCSM)  
EOCSM module processes the downstream EOC. The  
received EOC data/message is transferred to the  
microcontroller. The upstream EOC channel may  
be directly controlled by the microcontroller  
(DFCF[AUTOEOC = 0]) or automatically generated  
by the EOCSM as shown in Figure 7.  
All actions are latched, permitting multiple EOC-initi-  
ated actions to be in effect simultaneously. The transi-  
tion of transmission system through either receiver  
reset or full reset states releases all the outstanding  
EOC-controlled operations, and resets the EOC pro-  
cessor to return-to-normal.  
Lucent Technologies Inc.  