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AD9220ARS 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AD9220ARS
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内容描述: 完整的12位1.5 / 3.0 / 10.0 MSPS单片A / D转换器 [Complete 12-Bit 1.5/3.0/10.0 MSPS Monolithic A/D Converters]
分类和应用: 转换器
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 353 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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other comparator controls internal circuitry which will disable  
the reference amplifier if the SENSE pin is tied AVDD. Dis-  
abling the reference amplifier allows the VREF pin to be driven  
by an external voltage reference.  
Figure 29. For noise sensitive applications, the excessive band-  
width may be detrimental and the addition of a series resistor  
and/or shunt capacitor can help limit the wideband noise at the  
A/D’s input by forming a low-pass filter. Note, however, that  
the combination of this series resistance with the equivalent  
input capacitance of the AD9221/AD9223/AD9220 should be  
evaluated for those time-domain applications that are sensitive  
to the input signal’s absolute settling time. In applications where  
harmonic distortion is not a primary concern, the series resis-  
tance may be selected in combination with the SHA’s nominal  
16 pF of input capacitance to set the filter’s 3 dB cutoff frequency.  
A better method of reducing the noise bandwidth, while possi-  
bly establishing a real pole for an antialiasing filter, is to add  
some additional shunt capacitance between the input (i.e.,  
VINA and/or VINB) and analog ground. Since this additional  
shunt capacitance combines with the equivalent input capaci-  
tance of the AD9221/AD9223/AD9220, a lower series resis-  
tance can be selected to establish the filter’s cutoff frequency  
while not degrading the distortion performance of the device.  
The shunt capacitance also acts like a charge reservoir, sinking  
or sourcing the additional charge required by the hold capacitor,  
CH, further reducing current transients seen at the op amp’s  
Figure 35. Equivalent Reference Circuit  
The actual reference voltages used by the internal circuitry of  
the AD9221/AD9223/AD9220 appear on the CAPT and CAPB  
pins. For proper operation when using the internal or an exter-  
nal reference, it is necessary to add a capacitor network to de-  
couple these pins. Figure 36 shows the recommended  
decoupling network. This capacitive network performs the  
following three functions: (1) along with the reference ampli-  
fier, A2, it provides a low source impedance over a large fre-  
quency range to drive the A/D internal circuitry, (2) it provides  
the necessary compensation for A2, and (3) it bandlimits the  
noise contribution from the reference. The turn-on time of the  
reference voltage appearing between CAPT and CAPB is ap-  
proximately 15 ms and should be evaluated in any power-  
down mode of operation.  
The effect of this increased capacitive load on the op amp driv-  
ing the AD9221/AD9223/AD9220 should be evaluated. To  
optimize performance when noise is the primary consideration,  
increase the shunt capacitance as much as the transient response  
of the input signal will allow. Increasing the capacitance too  
much may adversely affect the op amp’s settling time, frequency  
response, and distortion performance.  
The AD9221/AD9223/AD9220 contain an onboard bandgap  
reference that provides a pin-strappable option to generate either a  
1 V or 2.5 V output. With the addition of two external resistors,  
the user can generate reference voltages other than 1 V and  
2.5 V. Another alternative is to use an external reference for  
designs requiring enhanced accuracy and/or drift performance.  
See Table II for a summary of the pin-strapping options for the  
AD9221/AD9223/AD9220 reference configurations.  
Figure 35 shows a simplified model of the internal voltage refer-  
ence of the AD9221/AD9223/AD9220. A pin-strappable refer-  
ence amplifier buffers a 1 V fixed reference. The output from  
the reference amplifier, A1, appears on the VREF pin. The  
voltage on the VREF pin determines the full-scale input span of  
the A/D. This input span equals,  
Figure 36. Recommended CAPT/CAPB Decoupling Network  
The A/D’s input span may be varied dynamically by changing  
the differential reference voltage appearing across CAPT and  
CAPB symmetrically around 2.5 V (i.e., midsupply). To change  
the reference at speeds beyond the capabilities of A2, it will be  
necessary to drive CAPT and CAPB with two high speed, low  
noise amplifiers. In this case, both internal amplifiers (i.e., A1  
and A2) must be disabled by connecting SENSE to AVDD and  
VREF to REFCOM and the capacitive decoupling network  
removed. The external voltages applied to CAPT and CAPB  
must be 2.5 V + Input Span/4 and 2.5 V – Input Span/4 respec-  
tively in which the input span can be varied between 2 V and 5 V.  
Note that those samples within the pipeline A/D during any  
reference transition will be corrupted and should be discarded.  
Full-Scale Input Span = 2 × VREF  
The voltage appearing at the VREF pin as well as the state of  
the internal reference amplifier, A1, are determined by the volt-  
age appearing at the SENSE pin. The logic circuitry contains  
two comparators which monitor the voltage at the SENSE pin.  
The comparator with the lowest set point (approximately 0.3 V)  
controls the position of the switch within the feedback path of  
A1. If the SENSE pin is tied to REFCOM, the switch is con-  
nected to the internal resistor network thus providing a VREF  
of 2.5 V. If the SENSE pin is tied to the VREF pin via a short  
or resistor, the switch is connected to the SENSE pin. A short  
will provide a VREF of 1.0 V while an external resistor network  
will provide an alternative VREF between 1.0 V and 2.5 V. The  
REV. D  