New suppliers for class level B products.
The Qualifying Activity (QA) 1/
provides pre-audit information
to suppliers.
Suppliers provide required
pre-audit information to the
QA for review.
QA shall review and provide feedback
to the suppliers to make an
arrangement for QA to perform
on-site audit of facilities, as necessary.
Block 3
Block 1
Block 2
Go to Block 2 of the “Existing certified
suppliers for class level B products”
flow, and proceed.
QA will issue QML certification
to suppliers when all issues,
concerns, and deficiencies are
Suppliers can now pursue
qualification in accordance
with the approved processes
as outlined in the QM plan
and MIL-PRF-38535.
Block 5
Block 6
Block 4
1/ The QA is the DLA Land and Maritime, Columbus.
Existing certified suppliers for class level B products.
Initially, suppliers shall provide a
QA shall review and provide
feedback to suppliers and
schedule for on-site audit of
their facilities prior to
implementation of QM plan.
Block 3
Suppliers shall submit revised QM
plan to the Qualifying Activity (QA) 1/
addressing New Technology
requirements per MIL-PRF-38535 for
QA approval.
detailed qualification and
characterization manufacturing
QM plan for QA review, which is
to be certified/qualified for QML.
Block 1
Block 2
Once all concerns have been
addressed, QA will issue an
approval to suppliers to initiate
performing of characterization
and qualification testing.
Block 4
Suppliers will provide
characterization data and
qualification test report/data
for the New Technology to
the QA.
QA shall review and provide
feedback to supplier’s prior to listing
QML, the manufacturer shall submit
test qualification report to QA. Once
information is acceptable, QA will
issue an approval and enlist
products on the QML listing.
Block 6
Block 5
1/ The QA is the DLA Land and Maritime, Columbus.
2/ Any deviation from a previously QA approved plan for new technology shall require again QA approval prior to listing
on QML.
FIGURE H-1. Class level B QML process flows