C.4.1 Traceability. Traceability to the wafer lot level (for GaAs to wafer level) shall be provided for all delivered microcircuits.
Traceability shall document, as a minimum, the completion of each step required in design (when applicable), fabrication,
assembly, test and any applicable qualified rework procedure.
C.4.2 Design requirements. The manufacturer shall show evidence that all QML/RHA product has been through the qualified
RHA technology flow. For RHA devices, sample testing of each design to verify PIPL shall be conducted to determine total
dose and neutron hardness level, dose rate upset threshold, latch-up immunity (when specified) at maximum temperature and
voltage, and linear energy transfer threshold (LETTH) for upset and latch-up as well as the cross section for SEE. If simulation
models can be verified by test to address these concerns, they would be acceptable. It is anticipated that several designs of
each ASIC family shall be tested.
C.4.3 Radiation response characterization. When specified in the acquisition document, radiation response characterization
data shall be provided for QML microcircuits in those environments specified in the device specification. The characterization
shall be obtained in increments of irradiation levels to failure or to a radiation level at or beyond the specification level as
determined by the TRB. The characterization data shall be accompanied by the mean and standard deviation of the critical
parameters. The results obtained from table C-I testing herein shall be added to the characterization data (at fluence level,
dose rate, and parameter levels defined in the device procurement specification test conditions) periodically.
C.4.4 End-of-line technology conformance inspection (TCI) testing (option 1). Group E inspection shall include radiation
hardness assurance (RHA) tests on each wafer lot. The PIPL, transient and single event phenomenon (SEP) response (as
applicable), and test conditions shall be as specified in the device specification. End-of-line TCI testing shall be performed as
recommended in table J-I herein. Requirements as detailed in TM 5005 of MIL-STD-883 may be used, with qualifying activity
approval, in place of the TCI requirements herein. All group E testing shall be performed on microcircuits to be delivered as
RHA QML microcircuits.
Group E inspection is required only for parts intended to be marked as RHA. RHA quality conformance inspection sample
tests shall be performed at the level(s) specified and in accordance with table C-I herein. The applicable subgroups of group E
shall be performed when specified in the acquisition document. The actual devices used for group E testing shall be assembled
in a qualified package and, as a minimum, shall pass table I, group A, subgroups 1, 7, and 9 at +25°C prior to irradiation. If a
manufacturer elects to eliminate a quality conformance inspection step by substituting an in-process control or statistical
process control procedure, the manufacturer is only relieved of the responsibility of performing the TCI operation associated
with that step. The manufacturer is still responsible for providing a product which meets all of the performance, quality, and
reliability requirements herein and in the device specification. Documentation supporting substitution for TCI shall be retained
by the manufacturer and available to the qualifying activity upon request. For some devices, there are differences in the total
dose radiation response before and after burn-in. Unless it has been shown by prior characterization or by design that burn-in
has negligible effect (parameters remain within post-irradiation specified electrical limits) on the total dose radiation response,
one of the following shall be done:
a. The manufacturer shall subject the radiation samples to the specified burn-in conditions prior to conducting total dose
radiation testing.
b. The manufacturer shall develop a correction factor (which is acceptable to the parties to the test) taking into account
the changes in total dose response resulting from subjecting product to burn-in. The correction factor shall then be
used to accept product for total dose response without subjecting the test samples to burn-in.
C.4.4.1 End-point tests for group E. End-point measurements and other specified post-test measurements shall be made for
each sample after completion of all other specified tests in the subgroup. The test limits for the end-point measurements shall
be the same as the test limits for the respective group A subgroup inspections. Different end-points may be specified for group
E tests in the detailed specifications. Any additional end-point electrical measurements may be performed at the discretion of
the manufacturer.
C.4.5 In-line TCI testing (option 2). In-line control testing shall be performed through the use of the approved SEC or QML
microcircuit. The following shall be addressed for RHA devices; group E testing shall be performed on the SEC or product
meeting SEC complexity at intervals set by the TRB in the QM plan. Burn-in shall be addressed as per C.4.4 a or C.4.4 b