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1553BRT-EBR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 1553BRT-EBR
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内容描述: Core1553BRT - EBR增强的比特率1553远程终端 [Core1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote Terminal]
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 204 K
品牌: ACTEL [ Actel Corporation ]
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Core1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote Terminal  
Status Word Settings  
The Core1553BRT-EBR sets bits in the 1553EBR status word in compliance with MIL-STD-1553B. This is summarized in  
Table 8.  
Table 8 Status Word Bit Settings  
RT Address  
Equals the RTADDR input  
Message Error  
Service Request  
Set whenever the RT detects a message error  
Always '0'  
Controlled by the SSFLAG input  
Always '000'  
Broadcast Received  
Set whenever a broadcast message is received  
Controlled by the RTBUSY input  
Controlled by the SSFLAG input  
Sub-System Flag  
Dynamic Bus Acceptance Always '0'. The Core1553BRT-EBR does not operate as a bus controller.  
Terminal Flag  
Controlled by the TFLAG input. If an "inhibit terminal flag" mode code is in effect, will be '0'.  
As an example, the TSW address for a transmit command  
with sub-address 24 would be '01111110100' (3F4h). The  
TSW contains the information in Table 9 on page 14.  
Command Word Storage  
At the start of every 1553EBR bus transfer, the 1553EBR  
command word is written to RAM locations 000–01F for  
receive operations and 3E0–3FF for transmit operations.  
The addresses are as follows:  
If the RT is implemented without a memory-based  
backend, the writing of the TSW can be disabled. This  
simplifies the design of the backend logic that directly  
controls backend functions.  
CMD location RX commands: '000000' and SA  
CMD location TX commands: '011111' and SA  
If the RT is implemented without a memory-based  
backend, the writing of the command word can be  
disabled (WRTCMD input). This simplifies the design of  
the backend logic that directly controls the backend  
Backend Access Times  
During normal operation, the backend must allow a  
memory access to complete within 1.0 µs.  
While the status word is being transmitted, the core  
must write the command word to memory and fetch the  
first data word. Two memory accesses are performed in  
the 2 µs that the status word takes to transmit.  
Transfer Status Words (TSW)  
At the end of every 1553EBR bus transfer, a transfer  
status word is written to RAM in locations 000–01F for  
receive operations and 3E0–3FF for transmit operations.  
The addresses used are as follows:  
At the end of  
broadcast-receive command,  
Core1553BRT-EBR writes the last data word and the TSW  
value before the RT decodes the next command. Two  
memory accesses occur in the 2 µs during which the  
command word is being decoded.  
TSW location RX commands: '000000' and SA  
TSW location TX commands: '011111' and SA  
The core includes a timer that is set to terminate  
backend memory access at 1.0 µs.  
Advanced v1.1  