Functional Description
Watch Dog Timer
Functions as an interval timer or a watch dog timer.
• 16-bit timer
CPU core:
Operating frequency:
1 MHz to 33 MHz (max)
• Watch dog timer or interval timer mode can be selected
• Interrupt reset generation
ARM instruction (32-bit length) and Thumb
instruction (16-bit length) can be mixed
• Maximum period: longer than 200 msec
General register bank: 31 x 32 bits
Serial Interface
This MCU contains four serial interfaces.
1. SIO without FIFO: 1 channel
Built-in barrel shifter:
ALU and barrel shift operations can be executed
by one instruction.
32 bits x 8 bits (Modified Booth’s Algorithm)
Built-in debug function: JTAG interface, break point register
This is the serial port which performs data transmission, taking a synchro-
nization per character.
Selection of various parameters, such as addition of data length, a stop
bit, and a parity bit, is possible.
- Asynchronous full duplex operation
- Sampling Rate = Baud rate x 16 samples
- Character Length: 7, 8 bit
- Stop Bit Length: 1, 2 bit
- Parity: Even, Odd, none
- Error Detection: Parity, Framing, Over run
- Loop Back Function: ON/OFF, Parity, framing, Over run Compulsive
Byte Ordering:
Little Endian
Built-in Memory
ML674001 is the ROM-less version
ML67Q4002: 256 KBytes (128K x 16 bits)
ML67Q4003: 512 KBytes (256K x 16 bits)
Access timing of this FLASH memory is configured by the
ROM bank control register of the external memory
- Built-in Baud Rate Generator (8-bit counter) - Independent from a bus
- Internal-Baud-Rate-Clock-Stop at the Time of HALT Mode.
(8K x 32 bits)
Read access (8/16/32 bit): 1 cycle
Write access (32 bit): 1 cycle
Write access (8/16 bit): 2 cycle
2. UART with 16-byte FIFO: 1 channel
Interrupt Controller
Features 16-byte FIFO in both send and receive. Uses the industry stan-
dard 16550A ACE (Asynchronous Communication Element).
- Asynchronous full duplex operation
- Reporting function for all status
Fast interrupt request (FIQ) and interrupt request (IRQ) are employed as inter-
rupt input signals. The interrupt controller controls these interrupt signals
going to ARM core.
- 16-Byte Transmit FIFO
- 16-Byte Receive FIFO
- Transmission, reception, interrupt of line status Data set and Indepen-
dent FIFO control.
- Modem control signals: CTS, DCD, DSR, DTR, RI and RTS
- Data length: 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits
1. Interrupt sources
- FIQ: 1 external source (external pin: EFIQ_N)
- IRQ: Total of 27 sources. 23 internal sources, and 4 external sources
2. Interrupt priority level
- Configurable, 8-level priority for each source
3. External interrupt pin input
- Stop bit length: 1, 1.5, or 2 bits
- parity: Even, Odd, or none
- Error Detection: Parity, Framing, Overrun
- Built-in Baud Rate Generation
- EXINT[3:0] Can be set as Level or Edge sensing
- Configurable High or Low when Level sensing. Configurable Rising- or
Falling-edge triggering when Edge sensing. EFIQ_N is set as Falling-Edge
3. Synchronous serial interface: 1 channel
Clock-synchronous 8 bit serial port
- selectable 1/8, 1/16 or 1/32 of the system clock frequency.
- LSB First or MSB First.
Seven channels of 16-bit reload timers are employed. Of these, 1 channel is
used as system timer for OS.
- Master / Slave Mode
- Transceiver buffer empty interrupt
- Loopback Test Function
The timers of other 6 channels are used in application software.
1. System timer: 1 channel
4. I C: 1 channel
- 16-bit auto reload timer: Used as system timer for OS. Interrupt request
by timer overflow.
Based on the I C Bus specification. Operates as a single master device.
- Communication mode: Master transmitter /master receiver
- Transmission Speed: 100 kbps (Standard mode) / 400 kbps (Fast mode)
- Addressing format: 7-bit / 10-bit
- Data buffer: 1 Byte (1 step)
- Communication Voltage: 2.7 V to 3.3 V
2. Application timer: 6 channels
- 16-bit auto reload timer
- One shot, interval
- Clock can be independently set for each channel
April 2004, Rev 2.0
Oki Semiconductor • 3