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50S116T 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 50S116T
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: SDRAM ( 512K ×2组X 16位SDRAM ) [SDRAM(512K X 2 BANKS X 16 BITS SDRAM)]
分类和应用: 动态存储器
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 1289 K
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Power-up and Initialization  
The default power-up state of the mode register is unspecified. The following power-up and  
initialization sequence need to be followed to guarantee the device being preconditioned to each user  
specific needs during power-up, all VCC and VCCQ pins must be ramp up simultaneously to the  
specified voltage when the input signals are held in the "NOP" state. The power-up voltage must not  
exceed VCC +0.3V on any of the input pins or VCC supplies. After power-up, an initial pause of 200 mS  
is required followed by a precharge of all banks using the precharge command. To prevent data  
contention on the DQ bus during power-up, it is required that the DQM and CKE pins be held high  
during the initial pause period. Once all banks have been precharged, the Mode Register Set  
Command must be issued to initialize the Mode Register. An additional eight Auto Refresh cycles  
(CBR) are also required before or after programming the Mode Register to ensure proper subsequent  
Programming Mode Register  
After initial power-up, the Mode Register Set Command must be issued for proper device operation. All  
banks must be in a precharged state and CKE must be high at least one cycle before the Mode  
Register Set Command can be issued. The Mode Register Set Command is activated by the low  
signals of RAS, CAS , CS and WE at the positive edge of the clock. The address input data  
during this cycle defines the parameters to be set as shown in the Mode Register Operation table. A  
new command may be issued following the mode register set command once a delay equal to tRSC has  
elapsed. Please refer to the next page for Mode Register Set Cycle and Operation Table.  
Bank Activate Command  
The Bank Activate command must be applied before any Read or Write operation can be executed.  
The operation is similar to RAS activate in EDO DRAM. The delay from when the Bank Activate  
command is applied to when the first read or write operation can begin must not be less than the RAS  
to CAS delay time (tRCD). Once a bank has been activated it must be precharged before another Bank  
Activate command can be issued to the same bank. The minimum time interval between successive  
Bank Activate commands to the same bank is determined by the RAS cycle time of the device (tRC).  
The minimum time interval between interleaved Bank Activate commands (Bank A to Bank B and vice  
versa) is the Bank-to-Bank delay time (tRRD). The maximum time that each bank can be held active is  
specified as tRAS(max.).  
Read and Write Access Modes  
After a bank has been activated, a read or write cycle can be followed. This is accomplished by setting  
RAS high and CAS low at the clock rising edge after minimum of tRCD delay. WE pin voltage  
level defines whether the access cycle is a read operation ( WE high), or a write operation ( WE  
low). The address inputs determine the starting column address. Reading or writing to a different row  
within an activated bank requires the bank be precharged and a new Bank Activate command be  
issued. When more than one bank is activated, interleaved bank Read or Write operations are  
possible. By using the programmed burst length and alternating the access and precharge operations  
between multiple banks, seamless data access operation among many different pages can be  
realized. Read or Write Commands can also be issued to the same bank or between active banks on  
every clock cycle.  
* All specs and applications shown above subject to change without prior notice.  
Email: server@ceramate.com.tw  
Http: www.ceramate.com.tw  
Rev 1.0 Aug.20,2002  
Page 7 of 42  