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Z8FMC04100QKSG 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: Z8FMC04100QKSG
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内容描述: Z8喝采-R电机控制闪存MCU [Z8 Encore-R Motor Control Flash MCUs]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器和处理器外围集成电路电机时钟
文件页数/大小: 402 页 / 4558 K
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Z8FMC16100 Series Flash MCU  
Product Specification  
After the valid data has been read, the OEbit of the Status 0 register is updated to indicate  
the overrun condition (and Break Detect, if applicable). The RDAbit is set to 1 to indicate  
that the Receive Data Register contains a data byte. However, because the overrun error  
occurred, this byte may not contain valid data and must be ignored. The BRKDbit indicates  
if the overrun was caused by a break condition on the line. After reading the status byte  
indicating an overrun error, the Receive Data Register must be read again to clear the error  
bits in the LIN-UART Status 0 register.  
In LIN mode, an Overrun Error is signaled for receive data overruns as described above  
and in the LIN Slave if the BRG Counter overflows during the autobaud sequence (the  
ATBbit will also be set in this case). There is no data associated with the autobaud over-  
flow interrupt, however the Receive Data Register must be read to clear the OEbit. In this  
case software must write a 10B to the LinStatefield, forcing the LIN slave back to a  
Wait for Break state.  
LIN-UART Data- and Error-Handling Procedure  
Figure 16 illustrates the recommended procedure for use in LIN-UART receiver interrupt  
service routines.  
P R E L I M I N A R Y  
LIN-UART Interrupts  