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Z8018008VSC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: Z8018008VSC
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内容描述: 家庭MPU [Family MPU]
文件页数/大小: 326 页 / 1089 K
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Z8018x Family  
MPU User Manual  
Flag Registers (F, F')  
The flag registers store status bits (described in the next section) resulting  
from executed instructions.  
General Purpose Registers (BC, BC', DE, DE', HL, HL')  
The General Purpose Registers are used for both address and data  
operation. Depending on the instruction, each half (8 bits) of these  
registers (B, C, D, E, H, and I) may also be used.  
Interrupt Vector Register (I)  
For interrupts that require a vector table address to be calculated (INT0  
Mode 2, INT1, INT2, and internal interrupts), the Interrupt Vector  
Register (I) provides the most significant byte of the vector table address.  
I is cleared to 00Hduring reset.  
R Counter (R)  
The least significant seven bits of the R counter (R) count the number of  
instructions executed by the Z80180. R increments for each CPU Op Code  
fetch cycle (each M1 cycle). R is cleared to 00Hduring reset.  
Index Registers (IX, and IY)  
The Index Registers are used for both address and data operations. For  
addressing, the contents of a displacement specified in the instruction are  
added to or subtracted from the Index Register to determine an effective  
operand address.  