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XCS40XL-4PQ240C 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: XCS40XL-4PQ240C
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内容描述: 斯巴达和Spartan-XL系列现场可编程门阵列 [Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays]
分类和应用: 现场可编程门阵列可编程逻辑时钟
文件页数/大小: 82 页 / 848 K
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Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays  
Even if the boundary scan symbol is used in a schematic,  
the input pins TMS, TCK, and TDI can still be used as inputs  
to be routed to internal logic. Care must be taken not to  
force the chip into an undesired boundary scan state by  
inadvertently applying boundary scan input patterns to  
these pins. The simplest way to prevent this is to keep TMS  
High, and then apply whatever signal is desired to TDI and  
Configuration State: The configuration state is available to  
JTAG controllers.  
Configuration Disable: The JTAG port can be prevented  
from configuring the FPGA.  
TCK Startup: TCK can now be used to clock the start-up  
block in addition to other user clocks.  
CCLK Holdoff: Changed the requirement for Boundary  
Scan Configure or EXTEST to be issued prior to the release  
of INIT pin and CCLK cycling.  
Avoiding Inadvertent Boundary Scan  
If TMS or TCK is used as user I/O, care must be taken to  
ensure that at least one of these pins is held constant during  
configuration. In some applications, a situation may occur  
where TMS or TCK is driven during configuration. This may  
cause the device to go into boundary scan mode and dis-  
rupt the configuration process.  
Reissue Configure: The Boundary Scan Configure can be  
reissued to recover from an unfinished attempt to configure  
the device.  
Bypass FF: Bypass FF and IOB is modified to provide  
DRCLOCK only during BYPASS for the bypass flip-flop, and  
during EXTEST or SAMPLE/PRELOAD for the IOB register.  
To prevent activation of boundary scan during configuration,  
do either of the following:  
Power-Down (Spartan-XL Only)  
TMS: Tie High to put the Test Access Port controller  
in a benign RESET state.  
All Spartan/XL devices use a combination of efficient seg-  
mented routing and advanced process technology to pro-  
vide low power consumption under all conditions. The 3.3V  
Spartan-XL family adds a dedicated active Low power-down  
pin (PWRDWN) to reduce supply current to 100 µA typical.  
The PWRDWN pin takes advantage of one of the unused  
No Connect locations on the 5V Spartan device. The user  
must de-select the "5V Tolerant I/Os" option in the Configu-  
ration Options to achieve the specified Power Down current.  
The PWRDWN pin has a default internal pull-up resistor,  
allowing it to be left unconnected if unused.  
TCK: Tie High or Lowdo not toggle this clock input.  
For more information regarding boundary scan, refer to the  
Xilinx Application Note, "Boundary Scan in FPGA Devices. "  
Boundary Scan Enhancements (Spartan-XL Only)  
Spartan-XL devices have improved boundary scan func-  
tionality and performance in the following areas:  
IDCODE: The IDCODE register is supported. By using the  
IDCODE, the device connected to the JTAG port can be  
determined. The use of the IDCODE enables selective con-  
figuration dependent on the FPGA found.  
must continue to be supplied during Power-down, and  
configuration data is maintained. When the PWRDWN pin is  
pulled Low, the input and output buffers are disabled. The  
inputs are internally forced to a logic Low level, including the  
MODE pins, DONE, CCLK, and TDO, and all internal  
pull-up resistors are turned off. The PROGRAM pin is not  
affected by Power Down. The GSR net is asserted during  
Power Down, initializing all the flip-flops to their start-up  
The IDCODE register has the following binary format:  
c = the company code (49h for Xilinx)  
a = the array dimension in CLBs (ranges from 0Ah for  
XCS05XL to 1Ch for XCS40XL)  
PWRDWN has a minimum pulse width of 50 ns (Figure 23).  
On entering the Power-down state, the inputs will be dis-  
abled and the flip-flops set/reset, and then the outputs are  
disabled about 10 ns later. The user may prefer to assert the  
GTS or GSR signals before PWRDWN to affect the order of  
events. When the PWRDWN signal is returned High, the  
inputs will be enabled first, followed immediately by the  
release of the GSR signal initializing the flip-flops. About 10  
ns later, the outputs will be enabled. Allow 50 ns after the  
release of PWRDWN before using the device.  
f = the family code (02h for Spartan-XL family)  
v = the die version number (currently 0h)  
Table 13: IDCODEs Assigned to Spartan-XL FPGAs  
DS060 (v1.6) September 19, 2001  
Product Specification  