d. Subgroups 7 and 8 shall include verification of the truth table.
4.3.2 Group C inspections.
a. End-point electrical parameters shall be as specified in table II herein.
b. All devices requiring end-point electrical testing shall be programmed with a checkerboard or equivalent alternating bit
c. Steady-state life test conditions, method 1005 of MIL-STD-883.
(1) Test condition D or F. The test circuit shall be maintained by the manufacturer under document revision level
control and shall be made available to the preparing or acquiring activity upon request. The test circuit shall specify
the inputs, outputs, biases, and power dissipation, as applicable, in accordance with the intent specified in method
1005 of MIL-STD-883.
(2) TA = +125°C, minimum.
(3) Test duration: 1,000 hours, except as permitted by method 1005 of MIL-STD-883.
d. An endurance test, in accordance with method 1033 of MIL-STD-883, shall be added to group C inspection prior to
performing the steady-state life test (see 4.3.2c) and extended data retention (see 4.3.2e).
Cycling may be block, byte, or page from devices passing group A after the completion of the requirements of 4.2
herein. Initially, two groups of devices shall be formed, cell 1 and cell 2.
The following conditions shall be met:
(1) Cell 1 shall be cycled at -55°C and cell 2 shall be cycled at +125°C for a minimum of 10,000 cycles for device
types 01-04,06,07,09-12,14,15 and 100,000 cycles for device types 05,08,13, and 16.
(2) Perform group A subgroups 1, 7, and 9 after cycling. Form two new cells (cells 3 and 4) for steady-state life and
extended data retention. Cell 3 for steady-state life test consists of one-half of the devices from cell 1 and one-
half of the devices from cell 2. Cell 4 for extended data retention consists of the remaining devices from cells 1
and 2.
(3) The sample plans for cell 1, cell 2, cell 3, and cell 4 shall individually be the same as for group C, as specified in
method 5005 of MIL-STD-883.
e. Extended data retention shall consist of:
(1) All devices shall be programmed with a charge on all memory cells in each device, such that the cell will read
opposite the state that the cell would read in its equilibrium state (e.g., worst case pattern, see 4.2a(3)).
(2) Unbiased bake for 1000 hours (minimum) at +150°C (minimum). The unbiased bake time may be accelerated by
using higher temperature in accordance with the Arrhenius Relationship:
A = acceleration factor (unitless quantity) = t / t
T = temperature in Kelvin (i.e., t1+ 273)
t1 = time (hrs) at temperature T1
t2 = time (hrs) at temperature T2
K = Boltzmanns constant = 8.62 x 10-5eV/°K using an apparent activation energy (EA) of 0.6 eV.
The maximum storage temperature shall not exceed +200°C for packaged devices or +300°C for unassembled devices.
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