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WM8711BL_11 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: WM8711BL_11
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内容描述: 超小型音频DAC,带有耳机放大器 [Ultra-Small Audio DAC with Headphone Amplifier]
分类和应用: 放大器
文件页数/大小: 44 页 / 380 K
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Production Data  
Figure 17 DSP/PCM Mode Audio Interface (mode B, LRP=0)  
In all modes DACLRC must always change on the falling edge of BCLK, refer to Figures 13,14,15  
and 16. Operating the digital audio interface in DSP mode allows ease of use for supporting the  
various sample rates and word lengths. The only requirement is that all data is transferred within the  
correct number of BCLK cycles to suit the chosen word length.  
In order for the digital audio interface to offer similar support in the three other modes (Left Justified,  
I2S and Right Justified), the DACLRC and BCLK frequencies, continuity and mark-space ratios need  
more careful consideration.  
In Slave mode, DACLRC inputs are not required to have a 50:50 mark-space ratio. BCLK input need  
not be continuous. It is however required that there are sufficient BCLK cycles for each DACLRC  
transition to clock the chosen data word length. The non-50:50 requirement on the LRC is of use in  
some situations such as with a USB 12MHZ clock. Here simply dividing down a 12MHz clock within  
the DSP to generate LRC and BCLK will not generate the appropriate DACLRC since it will no longer  
change on the falling edge of BCLK. For example, with 12MHz/32k fs mode there are 375 MCLK per  
LRC. In these situations DACLRC can be made non 50:50.  
In Master mode, DACLRC will be output with a 50:50 mark-space ratio with BCLK output at 64fs x  
Base Frequency (ie 48kHz). The exception is in 96/88.2k mode where BCLK is MCLK and in USB  
mode where BCLK is always 12MHz. So for example in 12MHz/32k fs mode there are 375 master  
clocks per LRC period. Therefore the DACLRC output will have a mark space ratio of 187:188.  
The DAC digital audio interface modes are software configurable as indicated in Table 7. Note that  
dynamically changing the software format may result in erroneous operation of the interfaces and is  
therefore not recommended.  
The length of the digital audio data is programmable at 16/20/24 or 32 bits. Refer to the software  
control table below. The data is signed 2’s complement. The DAC digital filters process data using 24  
bits. If the DAC is programmed to receive 16 or 20 bit data, the WM8711BL packs the LSBs with  
zeros. If the DAC is programmed to receive 32 bit data, then it strips the LSBs.  
The DAC outputs can be swapped under software control using LRP and LRSWAP as shown in  
Table 8. Stereo samples are normally generated as a Left/Right sampled pair. LRSWAP reverses the  
order so that a Left sample goes to the right DAC output and a Right sample goes to the left DAC  
output. LRP swaps the phasing so that a Right/Left sampled pair is expected and preserves the  
correct channel phase difference, except in DSP mode, where LRP controls the positioning of the  
MSB relative to the rising edge of DACLRC.  
PD, Rev 4.2, December 2011  