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W83627HG-AW 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: W83627HG-AW
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内容描述: WINBOND LPC I / O [Winbond LPC I/O]
分类和应用: PC时钟
文件页数/大小: 131 页 / 1020 K
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W83627HF/ F/ HG/ G  
50KΩ + 34KΩ  
V = VCC ×  
where VCC is set to 5V.  
The Pin 61 is connected to 5VSB voltage. W83627HF monitors this voltage and the internal two serial  
resistors are 17K Ω and 33K Ω so that input voltage to ADC is 3.3V which less than 4.096V of ADC  
maximum input voltage.  
7.3.2 Monitor negative voltage:  
The negative voltage should be connected two series resistors and a positive voltage VREF is  
equal to 3.6V. In the Figure 8.2, the voltage V2 and V3 are two negative voltage which they are -  
12V and -5V respectively. The voltage V2 is connected to two serial resistors then is connected to an-  
other terminal VREF which is positive voltage. So as that the voltage node N12VIN can be obtain a  
posedge voltage if the scales of the two serial resirtors are carefully selected. It is recommanded from  
Winbond that the scale of two serial resistors are R3=232K ohm and R4=56K ohm. The input voltage  
of node N12VIN can be calculated by following equation.  
232KΩ + 56KΩ  
N12VIN = (VREF + V2 ) × (  
) +V2  
Where VREF is equal 3.6V.  
If the V2 is equal to -12V then the voltage is equal to 0.567V and the converted hexdecimal data is set  
to 35h by the 8-bit ADC with 16mV-LSB.This monitored value should be converted to the real negative  
votage and the express equation is shown as follows.  
N12VIN VREF × β  
V2 =  
Where β is 232K/232K+56K. If the N2VIN is 0.567 then the V2 is approximately equal to -12V.  
The another negative voltage input V3 approximate -5Valso can be evaluated by the similar  
method and the serial resistors can be selected with R5=120K ohms and R6=56K ohms by the Win-  
bond recommended. The expression equation of V3 With -5V voltage is shown as follows.  
N5VIN VREF × γ  
V3 =  
Where the γ is set to 120K/120K+56K. If the monitored ADC value in the N5VIN channel is  
0.8635, VREF is 3.6V and the parameter γ is 0.6818 then the negative voltage of V3 can be evalated  
to be -5V.  
Publication Release Date: June 09, 2006  
- 33 -  
Revision 2.27  