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TMC4670 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TMC4670
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内容描述: [Field Oriented Control (FOC) w/ Servo Controller]
文件页数/大小: 102 页 / 4574 K
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TMC4670 Datasheet PRELIMINARY IC Version V0.99 | Document Revision V0.91 2016-Nov-09  
Figure 10: Hall Sensor Angles  
Hall Sensors give absolute positions within an electrical period with a resolution of 60  
as 16 bit positions  
(s16 resp. u16) PHI. With activated interim hall position interpolation one additionally gets high resolution  
interim positions when the motor is running at speed beyond 60 rpm.  
3.6.5 Digital Hall Sensor - Interim Position Interpolation  
For lower torque ripple one can switch on the position interpolation of interim hall positions. This function  
is useful for motors that are compatible with sine wave commutation but equipped with digital hall sensors.  
When the position interpolation is switched on it becomes active on speed beyond 60 rpm. For lower  
speed it automatically disables. This is important especially when the motor has to be at rest.  
Motors that are intended for block commutation might smarter turn with hall signal interpolation but one  
should not expect too much for those motors.  
3.6.6 Digital Hall together with Incremental Encoder  
If a motor is equipped with both Hall sensors and incremental encoder, the hall sensors can be used for  
the initialization as a low resolution absolute position sensor and later the incermental encoder can be  
used a a high resolution sensor for commutation.  
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