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TMS320F2809 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TMS320F2809
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内容描述: - 12号的铝制车身绘( RAL 7032 ) []
文件页数/大小: 134 页 / 1127 K
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TMS320F2809, TMS320F2808, TMS320F2806  
TMS320F2802, TMS320F2801, UCD9501  
TMS320C2802, TMS320C2801, and TMS320F2801x DSPs  
3.2.5 Flash  
The contains 128K x 16 of embedded flash memory, segregated into eight 16K X 16 sectors. The F2808  
contains 64K x 16 of embedded flash memory, segregated into four 16K X 16 sectors. The F2806 and  
have 32K X 16 of embedded flash, segregated into four 8K X 16 sectors. The F2801/UCD9501 devices  
contain 16K X 16 of embedded flash, segregated into four 4K X 16 sectors. All five devices also contain a  
single 1K x 16 of OTP memory at address range 0x3D 7800 – 0x3D 7BFF. The user can individually  
erase, program, and validate a flash sector while leaving other sectors untouched. However, it is not  
possible to use one sector of the flash or the OTP to execute flash algorithms that erase/program other  
sectors. Special memory pipelining is provided to enable the flash module to achieve higher performance.  
The flash/OTP is mapped to both program and data space; therefore, it can be used to execute code or  
store data information. Note that addresses 0x3F7FF0 – 0x3F7FF5 are reserved for data variables and  
should not contain program code.  
The F2809/F2808/F2806/F2802/F2801 Flash and OTP wait-states can be configured by  
the application. This allows applications running at slower frequencies to configure the  
flash to use fewer wait-states.  
Flash effective performance can be improved by enabling the flash pipeline mode in the  
Flash options register. With this mode enabled, effective performance of linear code  
execution will be much faster than the raw performance indicated by the wait-state  
configuration alone. The exact performance gain when using the Flash pipeline mode is  
For more information on the Flash options, Flash wait-state, and OTP wait-state registers,  
see the TMS320x280x System Control and Interrupts Reference Guide (literature number  
3.2.6 ROM  
The contains 32K x 16 of ROM, while the contains 16K x 16 of ROM.  
3.2.7 M0, M1 SARAMs  
All 280x devices contain these two blocks of single access memory, each 1K x 16 in size. The stack  
pointer points to the beginning of block M1 on reset. The M0 and M1 blocks, like all other memory blocks  
on C28x devices, are mapped to both program and data space. Hence, the user can use M0 and M1 to  
execute code or for data variables. The partitioning is performed within the linker. The C28x device  
presents a unified memory map to the programmer. This makes for easier programming in high-level  
3.2.8 L0, L1, H0 SARAMs  
The F2809 and F2808 each contain an additional 16K x 16 of single-access RAM, divided into 3 blocks  
(L0-4K, L1-4K, H0-8K). The F2806 contains an additional 8K x 16 of single-access RAM, divided into  
2 blocks (L0-4K, L1-4K). The F2802, F2801/UCD9501, C2802, and C2801 each contain an additional  
4K x 16 of single-access RAM (L0-4K). Each block can be independently accessed to minimize CPU  
pipeline stalls. Each block is mapped to both program and data space.  
3.2.9 Boot ROM  
The Boot ROM is factory-programmed with boot-loading software. Boot-mode signals are provided to tell  
the bootloader software what boot mode to use on power up. The user can select to boot normally or to  
download new software from an external connection or to select boot software that is programmed in the  
internal Flash/ROM. The Boot ROM also contains standard tables, such as SIN/COS waveforms, for use  
in math related algorithms.  
Functional Overview  