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CC2510F8RSP 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CC2510F8RSP
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内容描述: 低功耗的SoC (系统级芯片)与MCU,存储器, 2.4 GHz射频收发器和USB控制器 [Low-Power SoC (System-on-Chip) with MCU, Memory, 2.4 GHz RF Transceiver, and USB Controller]
分类和应用: 存储射频控制器
文件页数/大小: 244 页 / 2899 K
 浏览型号CC2510F8RSP的Datasheet PDF文件第79页浏览型号CC2510F8RSP的Datasheet PDF文件第80页浏览型号CC2510F8RSP的Datasheet PDF文件第81页浏览型号CC2510F8RSP的Datasheet PDF文件第82页浏览型号CC2510F8RSP的Datasheet PDF文件第84页浏览型号CC2510F8RSP的Datasheet PDF文件第85页浏览型号CC2510F8RSP的Datasheet PDF文件第86页浏览型号CC2510F8RSP的Datasheet PDF文件第87页  
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx  
A write operation is initiated by writing a 1 to  
FCTL.WRITE. The address to start writing at is  
given by FADDRH:FADDRL. During each single  
write operation FCTL.SWBSY is set high.  
During a write operation, the data written to the  
FWDATA register is forwarded to the flash  
memory. The flash memory is 16-bit word-  
programmable, meaning data is written as 16-  
bit words. The first byte written to FWDATA is  
the LSB of the 16-bit word. The actual writing  
to flash memory takes place each time two  
bytes have been written to FWDATA, meaning  
that the number of bytes written to flash must  
be a multiple of two.  
program code must reside in the area 0xF000  
to 0xFEFF in CODE memory space (unified).  
When using the DMA to write to flash, the code  
can be executed from within flash memory.  
When a flash write operation is executed from  
RAM, the CPU continues to execute code from  
the next instruction after initiation of the flash  
write operation (FCTL.WRITE=1).  
The FCTL.SWBSY bit must be 0 before  
accessing the flash after  
a flash write,  
otherwise an access violation occurs. This  
means that FCTL.SWBSY must be 0 before  
program execution can continue from  
location in flash memory.  
0x7C01 DMA Flash Write  
PAGE 32  
When using the DMA to write to flash, the data  
to be written is stored in the XDATA memory  
space (RAM or flash). A DMA channel should  
be configured to have the location of the stored  
data as source address and the Flash Write  
Data register, FWDATA, as the destination  
address. The DMA trigger event FLASH  
should be selected (TRIG[4:0]=10010).  
Please see Section 13.5 for more details  
regarding DMA operation. Thus the Flash  
Controller will trigger a DMA transfer when the  
Flash Write Data register, FWDATA, is ready to  
receive new data.  
PAGE 2  
PAGE 0  
Figure 19: Flash Address (in unified memory  
When the DMA channel is armed, starting a  
flash write by setting FCTL.WRITE to 1 will  
trigger the first DMA transfer.  
When accessed by the Flash Controller, the  
flash memory is word-addressable. Each page  
in flash consists of 512 words, addressed  
Figure 20 shows an example on how a DMA  
channel is configured and how a DMA transfer  
is initiated to write a block of data from a  
location in XDATA to flash memory.  
FADDRH[5:1] is used to indicate the page  
number. That means that if one wants to write  
to the byte in flash mapped to address 0x0BFE  
(see Figure 19), FADDRH:FADDRL should be  
0x05FF (page 2, word 511).  
The DMA channel should be configured to  
operate in single transfer mode, the transfer  
count should be equal the size of the data  
block to be transferred (must be a multiple of  
2), and each transfer should be a byte. Source  
address should be incremented by one for  
each transfer, while the destination address  
should be fixed.  
The CPU will not be able to access the flash,  
e.g. to read program code, while a flash write  
operation is in progress. Therefore the  
program code executing the flash write must  
be executed from RAM, meaning that the  
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