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CC2430EMK 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CC2430EMK
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内容描述: 真正的系统级芯片解决方案的2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee的 [A True System-on-Chip solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee]
文件页数/大小: 212 页 / 1862 K
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Peripherals : 16-bit timer, Timer1  
13.6 16-bit timer, Timer1  
Timer 1 is an independent 16-bit timer which  
supports typical timer/counter functions such  
as input capture, output compare and PWM  
functions. The timer has three independent  
capture/compare channels. The timer uses  
one I/O pin per channel. The timer is used for  
a wide range of control and measurement  
applications and the availability of up/down  
count mode with three channels will for  
example allow implementation of motor control  
Three capture/compare channels  
Rising, falling or any edge input capture  
Set, clear or toggle output compare  
Free-running, modulo or up/down counter  
Clock prescaler for divide by 1, 8, 32 or  
Interrupt request generated on each  
capture/compare and terminal count  
DMA trigger function  
The features of Timer 1 are as follows:  
16-bit Timer Counter  
The timer consists of a 16-bit counter that  
increments or decrements at each active clock  
edge. The period of the active clock edges is  
defined by the register bits CLKCON.TICKSPD  
which sets the global division of the system  
clock giving a variable clock tick frequency  
from 0.25 MHz to 32 MHz (given the use of the  
32 MHz XOSC as clock source). This is further  
divided in Timer 1 by the prescaler value set  
by T1CTL.DIV. This prescaler value can be  
from 1, 8, 32, or 128. Thus the lowest clock  
frequency used by Timer 1 is 1953.125 Hz and  
the highest is 32 MHz when the 32 MHz  
crystal oscillator is used as system clock  
source. When the 16 MHz RC oscillator is  
used as system clock source then the highest  
clock frequency used by Timer 1 is 16 MHz.  
It is possible to read the 16-bit counter value  
through the two 8-bit SFRs; T1CNTH and  
T1CNTL, containing the high-order byte and  
low-order byte respectively. When the T1CNTL  
is read, the high-order byte of the counter at  
that instant is buffered in T1CNTH so that the  
high-order byte can be read from T1CNTH.  
Thus T1CNTLshall always be read first before  
reading T1CNTH.  
All write accesses to the T1CNTL register will  
reset the 16-bit counter.  
The counter produces an interrupt request  
when the terminal count value (overflow) is  
reached. It is possible to start and halt the  
counter with T1CTL control register settings.  
The counter is started when a value other than  
00 is written to T1CTL.MODE. If 00 is written to  
T1CTL.MODE the counter halts at its present  
The counter operates as either a free-running  
counter, a modulo counter or as an up/down  
counter for use in centre-aligned PWM.  
Timer 1 Operation  
In general, the control register T1CTL is used  
to control the timer operation. The various  
modes of operation are described below.  
Free-running Mode  
In the free-running mode of operation the  
counter starts from 0x0000 and increments at  
each active clock edge. When the counter  
reaches 0xFFFF (overflow) the counter is  
reached, both the IRCON.T1IF and the  
T1CTL.OVFIF flag are set. An interrupt  
request is generated if the corresponding  
interrupt mask bit TIMIF.OVFIM is set  
together with IEN1.T1EN. The free-running  
mode can be used to generate independent  
time intervals and output signal frequencies.  
incrementing its value as shown in Figure 20.  
When the terminal count value 0xFFFF is  
CC2430 Data Sheet (rev. 2.1) SWRS036F  
Page 99 of 211  