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CC2430EMK 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CC2430EMK
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内容描述: 真正的系统级芯片解决方案的2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee的 [A True System-on-Chip solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee]
文件页数/大小: 212 页 / 1862 K
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Peripherals : Flash Controller  
The Flash Controller handles writing and  
erasing the embedded flash memory. The  
embedded flash memory consists of 64 pages  
of 2048 bytes each (CC2430F128).  
Lock bits for write-protection and code  
Flash page erase timing 20 ms  
Flash chip erase timing 200 ms  
Flash write timing (4 bytes) 20 µs  
Auto power-down during low-frequency  
CPU clock read access  
The flash controller has the following features:  
32-bit word programmable  
Page erase  
Flash Memory Organization  
The flash memory is divided into 64 flash  
pages consisting of 2 KB each (all versions  
have 2 KB pages, but the number of pages  
differs and here 128 KB is referred). A flash  
page is the smallest erasable unit in the  
memory, while a 32 bit word is the smallest  
writable unit that may be addressed through  
the flash controller.  
When performing page erase operations, the  
flash memory page to be erased is addressed  
through the register bits FADDRH[6:1].  
Note the difference in addressing the flash  
memory; when accessed by the CPU to read  
code or data, the flash memory is byte-  
addressable. When accessed by the Flash  
Controller, the flash memory is word-  
addressable, where a word consists of 32 bits.  
When performing write operations, the flash  
memory is word-addressable using a 15-bit  
address written to the address registers  
The next sections describe the procedures for  
flash write and flash page erase in detail.  
Flash Write  
Data is written to the flash memory by using a  
program command initiated by writing the  
Flash Control register, FCTL. Flash write  
operations can program any number of words  
in the flash memory, single words or block of  
words in sequence starting at start address  
(set by FADDRH:FADDRL). Each location may  
be programmed twice before the next erase  
must take place, meanaing that a bit in a word  
can change from 1-1 or 1-0 but not 0-1 (writing  
a 0 to 1 will be ignored). This can be utilized by  
writing to different parts of the word with  
masking without having to do a page erase  
before writing. After a page erase or chip  
erase (through debug interface), the erased  
bits are set to 1.  
register is forwarded to the flash memory. The  
flash memory is 32-bit word-programmable,  
meaning data is written as 32-bit words. The  
first byte written to FWDATA is the LSB of the  
32-bit word. The actual writing to flash memory  
takes place each time four bytes have been  
written to FWDATA, meaning that all Flash  
writes must be 4 bytes aligned.  
The CPU will not be able to access the flash,  
e.g. to read program code, while a flash write  
operation is in progress. Therefore the  
program code executing the flash write must  
be executed from RAM, meaning that the  
program code must reside in the area 0xE000  
to 0xFEFF in Unified CODE memory space.  
When a flash write operation is executed from  
RAM, the CPU continues to execute code from  
the next instruction after initiation of the flash  
write operation (FCTL.WRITE=1).  
A write operation is performed using one out of  
two methods;  
Through DMA transfer  
Through CPU SFR access.  
The FCTL.SWBSY bit must be 0 before  
accessing the flash after a flash write,  
otherwise an access violation occurs. This also  
means that FCTL.SWBSY must be 0 before  
program execution can continue from a  
location in flash memory.  
The DMA transfer method is the preferred way  
to write to the flash memory.  
A write operation is initiated by writing a 1 to  
FCTL.WRITE. The start address for writing the  
32-bit word is given by FADDRH:FADDRL.  
FCTL.SWBSY is set high. During a write  
operation, the byte written to the FWDATA  
CC2430 Data Sheet (rev. 2.1) SWRS036F  
Page 72 of 211  