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CC2430EMK 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CC2430EMK
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内容描述: 真正的系统级芯片解决方案的2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee的 [A True System-on-Chip solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee]
文件页数/大小: 212 页 / 1862 K
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Peripherals : Power Management and clocks  
In PM1, the high-frequency oscillators are  
powered down (32MHz XOSC and 16MHz RC  
OSC). The voltage regulator and the enabled  
32 kHz oscillator is on. When PM1 is entered,  
a power down sequence is run. When the  
device is taken out of PM1 to PM0, the high-  
frequency oscillators are started. The device  
will run on the 16MHz RC oscillator until  
32MHz is selected as source by SW.  
PM1 is used when the expected time until a  
wakeup event is relatively short (less than 3  
ms) since PM1 uses a fast power down/up  
PM2 has the second lowest power  
consumption. In PM2 the power-on reset,  
external interrupts, 32.768 kHz oscillator and  
sleep timer peripherals are active. I/O pins  
retain the I/O mode and output value set  
before entering PM2. All other internal circuits  
are powered down. The voltage regulator is  
also turned off. When PM2 is entered, a power  
down sequence is run.  
PM2 is typically entered when using the sleep  
timer as the wakeup event, and also combined  
with external interrupts. PM2 should typically  
be choosen, compared to PM1, when sleep  
times exeeds 3 ms. Using less sleep time will  
not reduce system power consumption  
compared to using PM1.  
PM3 is used to achieve the operating mode  
with the lowest power consumption. In PM3 all  
internal circuits that are powered from the  
voltage regulator are turned off (basically all  
digital modules, the only exeption are interrupt  
detection and POR level sensing). The internal  
voltage regulator and all oscillators are also  
turned off.  
PM3. A reset condition or an enabled external  
IO interrupt event will wake the device up and  
place it into PM0 (an external interrupt will  
start from where it entered PM3, while a reset  
returns to start of program execution). The  
content of RAM and registers is partially  
preserved in this mode (see section 13.1.6).  
PM3 uses the same power down/up sequence  
as PM2.  
Reset (POR or external) and external I/O port  
interrupts are the only functions that are  
operating in this mode. I/O pins retain the I/O  
mode and output value set before entering  
PM3 is used to achieve ultra low power  
consumption when waiting for an external  
Power Management Control  
The required power mode is selected by the  
MODE bits in the SLEEP control register.  
Setting the SFR register PCON.IDLE bit after  
setting the MODE bits, enters the selected  
sleep mode.  
An enabled interrupt from port pins or sleep  
timer or a power-on reset will wake the device  
from other power modes and bring it into PM0  
by resetting the MODEbits.  
Power Management Registers  
section describes the Power  
their previous values when entering PM2 or  
PM3 unless otherwise stated.  
Management registers. All register bits retain  
CC2430 Data Sheet (rev. 2.1) SWRS036F  
Page 66 of 211  