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CC2430EMK 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CC2430EMK
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内容描述: 真正的系统级芯片解决方案的2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee的 [A True System-on-Chip solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee]
文件页数/大小: 212 页 / 1862 K
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Peripherals : MAC Timer (Timer2)  
The Timer can be started and stopped  
synchronously with the 32kHz clock rising  
edge. Note this event is derived from a 32kHz  
clock signal, but is synchronous with the  
32MHz system clock and thus has a period  
approximately equal the 32kHz clock period.  
At the time of a synchronous start the timer is  
reloaded with new calculated values for the  
timer and overflow count such that it appears  
that the timer has not been stopped (e.g. im  
PM1/2 mode).  
Timer synchronous stop  
After the timer has started running, i.e. entered  
timer RUN mode it is stopped synchronously  
by writing 0 to T2CNF.RUNwhen T2CNF.SYNC  
is 1. After T2CNF.RUN has been set to 0, the  
timer will continue running until the 32kHz  
clock rising edge is sampled as 1. When this  
occurs the timer is stopped and the current  
Sleep timer value is stored.  
When the timer is in the IDLE mode it is  
started synchronously by writing to  
Timer synchronous start  
time when the 32kHz clock rising edge is  
sampled high. The synchronous start and stop  
function requires that the system clock  
frequency is selected to be 32MHz. If the  
16MHz clock is selected, there will be an offset  
added to the new calculated value.  
T2CNF.RUN when T2CNF.SYNC is 1. After  
T2CNF.RUN has been set to 1, the timer will  
remain in the IDLE mode until the 32kHz clock  
rising edge is detected. When this occurs the  
timer will first calculate new values for the 16-  
bit timer value and for the 20-bit timer overflow  
count, based on the current and stored Sleep  
timer values and the current 16-bit timer  
values. The new MAC Timer and overflow  
count values are loaded into the timer and the  
timer enters the RUN mode. This synchronous  
start process takes 75 clock cycles from the  
The method for calculating the new MAC  
Timer value and overflow count value is given  
below. Due to the fact that the MAC Timer  
asynchronous with a non-integer clock ratio  
there will be an error of maximum ±1 in  
calculated timer value compared to the ideal  
timer value.  
Calculation of new timer value and overflow count value:  
Nc = CurrentSleepTimerValue  
Ns = StoredSleepTimerValue  
Kck = ClockRatio = 976.5625 10  
stw = SleepTimerWidth = 24  
P = Timer2Period  
Nt = Nc Ns  
Nt 0 Nd = 2stw + Nt ;Nt > 0 Nd = Nt  
C = Nd Kck +TC +TOH (Rounded to nearest integer value)  
T = C mod P  
C T  
O =  
+ OC  
Oc = CurrentOverflowCountValue  
Timer2Value = T  
Tc = CurrentTimerValue  
TOH = Overhead = 75  
Timer2OverflowCount = O  
Clock ratio of MAC Timer clock frequency (32 MHz - XOSC) and Sleep timer clock frequency  
(32.768 kHz - XOSC)  
(220 1)× P +TOH  
For a given Timer 2 period value, P, there is a  
TST (max)  
synchronous stop and start for which the timer  
value is correctly updated after starting. The  
maximum value is given in terms of the  
number of Sleep Timer clock periods, i.e.  
The maximum period controlled by T2CAPHPH  
and T2CAPHPL is defined when thes registers  
are 0x0000. When operation in power modes  
PM1 or PM2 this will always result in an  
overflow and both overflow and timer counter  
will be sett to 0xFFFF. The value 0x0000 in  
32kHz clock periods, TST(max)  
CC2430 Data Sheet (rev. 2.1) SWRS036F  
Page 112 of 211  