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CC2430EMK 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CC2430EMK
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内容描述: 真正的系统级芯片解决方案的2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee的 [A True System-on-Chip solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee]
文件页数/大小: 212 页 / 1862 K
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Peripherals : MAC Timer (Timer2)  
the timer is to be compared is set by the  
request is also generated if the interrupt mask  
T2PEROF2.CMPIMis set to 1.  
When a timer compare occurs the interrupt  
flag T2CNF.CMPIF is set to 1. An interrupt  
Capture Input  
The MAC timer has a timer capture function  
which captures at the time when the start of  
frame delimiter (SFD) status in the radio goes  
high. Refer to sections 14.6 and 14.9 starting  
on page 157 for a description of the SFD.  
register. The capture value can be read from  
the registers T2CAPHPH:T2CAPLPL. The  
value of the overflow count is also captured  
(see section at the time of the  
capture event and can be read from the  
registers T2PEROF2:T2PEROF1:T2PEROF0.  
When the capture event occurs the current  
timer value will be captured into the capture  
Overflow count  
At each timer overflow, the 20-bit overflow  
counter is incremented by 1. The overflow  
counter value is read through the SFR  
registers T2OF2:T2OF1:T2OF0. Note that the  
register contents in T2OF2:T2OF1 is latched  
when T2OF0 is read, meaning that T2OF0  
must always be read first.  
Overflow count update: The overflow count  
value may be updated by writing to the  
registers T2OF2:T2OF1:T2OF0 when the  
timer is in the IDLE or RUN state.  
Note that the last data written to registers  
T2OF1:T2OF0 is latched when T2OF2 is  
written, meaning that T2OF2 must always be  
written last.  
Overflow count compare  
A compare value may be set for the overflow  
counter. The compare value is set by writing to  
flag bit T2CNF.OFCMPIFis set to 1 regardless  
of the interrupt mask value. It should be noted  
that if a capture event occurs when the  
T2PEROF2 is written to the three most  
significant bits will not be updated. In order to  
address this one should either write twice to  
this register while interrupts are disabled, or  
read back and verify that written data was set.  
the overflow count value is equal or greater  
than the set compare value an overflow  
compare event occurs. If the overflow compare  
interrupt mask bit T2PEROF2.OFCMPIM is 1,  
an interrupt request is generated. The interrupt  
The Timer has three individually maskable  
interrupt sources. These are the following:  
Each interrupt source may be masked by the  
mask bits in the T2PEROF2 register. An  
interrupt is generated when the corresponding  
mask bit is set, otherwise the interrupt will not  
be generated. The interrupt flag bit is set,  
however disregarding the state of the interrupt  
mask bit.  
Timer overflow  
Timer compare  
Overflow count compare  
The interrupt flags are given in the T2CNF  
registers. The interrupt flag bits are set only by  
hardware and may be cleared only by writing  
to the SFR register.  
DMA Triggers  
Timer 2 can generate two DMA triggers –  
T2_COMP and T2_OVFL which are activated  
as follows:  
T2_COMP: Timer 2 compare event  
T2_OVFL: Timer 2 overflow event  
Timer start/stop synchronization  
This section describes the synchronized timer  
start and stop.  
CC2430 Data Sheet (rev. 2.1) SWRS036F  
Page 111 of 211  