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CC2430ZF128RTCR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CC2430ZF128RTCR
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内容描述: 真正的系统级芯片解决方案的2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee的 [A True System-on-Chip solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee]
文件页数/大小: 212 页 / 1862 K
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Radio : CSMA/CA Strobe Processor  
14.34.2 Data Registers  
decremented by 1 each time the MAC timer  
overflows. When CSPTreaches zero, program  
execution is halted and the interrupt  
IRQ_CSP_STOP is asserted. The CSPT  
register will not be decremented if the CPU  
writes 0xFF to this register.  
The CSP has three data registers CSPT, CSPX,  
CSPY and CSPZ, which are read/write  
accessible for the CPU as RF registers. These  
registers are read or modified by some  
instructions, thus allowing the CPU to set  
parameters to be used by a CSP program or  
allowing the CPU to read CSP program status.  
Note: If the CSPT register compare function is  
not used, this register must be set to 0xFF  
before the program execution is started.  
The CSPTdata register is not modified by any  
instruction. The CSPT data register is used to  
set a MAC Timer overflow compare value.  
Once program execution has started on the  
CSP, the content of this register is  
14.34.3 Program Execution  
After the instruction memory has been filled,  
program execution is started by writing the  
immediate command strobe instruction  
ISSTART to the RFST register. The program  
execution will continue until either the  
instruction at last location has been executed,  
the CSPT data register contents is zero, a  
SSTOP instruction has been executed, an  
immediate ISSTOP instruction is written to  
RFST or until a SKIP instruction returns a  
location beyond the last location in the  
instruction memory. The CSP runs at 8 MHz  
clock frequency.  
Immediate Command Strobe instructions may  
be written to RFST while a program is being  
executed. In this case the Immediate  
instruction will bypass the instruction in the  
instruction memory, which will be completed  
once the Immediate instruction has been  
During program execution, reading RFST will  
return the current instruction being executed.  
An exception to this is the execution of  
immediate command strobes, during which  
RFSTwill return C0h.  
14.34.4 Interrupt Requests  
The CSP has three interrupts flags which can  
produce the RF interrupt vector. These are the  
processor continues executing the next  
instruction after a WAIT W or WAITX  
processor executes an INT instruction.  
IRQ_CSP_STOP: asserted when the  
processor has executed the last instruction  
in memory and when the processor stops  
due to a SSTOP or ISSTOP instruction or  
CSPTregister equal zero.  
when the  
14.34.5 Random Number Instruction  
There will be a delay in the update of the  
random number used by the RANDXY  
instruction. Therefore if an instruction,  
RANDXY, that uses this value is issued  
immediately after  
instruction, the random value read may be the  
same in both cases.  
previous RANDXY  
14.34.6 Running CSP Programs  
The basic flow for loading and running a  
program on the CSP is shown in Figure 50.  
by the SSTOP or ISTOP instruction, the  
program memory will be cleared. It is also  
importat to note that a WAIT W or WEVENT  
instruction can not be executed between X  
register update and X data read by one of the  
following instructions: RPT, SKIP or WAITX. If  
this is done the CSPX register will be  
decremented on each MAC timer (Timer2)  
overflow occurrence.  
When program execution stops due to end of  
program the current program remains in  
program memory. This makes it possible to  
run the same program again by starting  
execution with the ISSTART command.  
However, when program execution is stopped  
CC2430 Data Sheet (rev. 2.1) SWRS036F  
Page 177 of 211  